The First Day Belle Meets Sam's Friend Maya

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Sam said,'' Um... Belle..., I want you to meet my friend Maya. Belle said,'' When and why and where am i meeting her. Sam said,'' Why don't you want to meet anyone I know belle, it's not like she bites. Belle said,'' I know, but what if she doesn't like me at all, and what if she won't talk to me, and she probably will give me dirty looks If I meet her. Sam was giggling,'' Belle are you nervous to meet her and I need to tell you something else. Belle said,'' What is it now''? Sam said,'' Belle don't be get mad about leaving our home because my family and your family and Max your boyfriends family and also Maya's family, we are all going to move to Hawaii in 3 hours and we are all going to live in 1 huge mansion and we get our own rooms. Belle said,'' Yay I can't wait I'm actually crying tears of joy, wait that means we don't need to have a teacher like our Mean art teacher always yelling at us. Sam said,'' I know that means we could always go to the beach every single day. Belle said,'' Yay and me and Max could always be together at home. Sam starts singing,'' Belle and Max sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g, first comes love then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage. Belle threw a pillow at Sam and the Sam took Belles phone and ran to the bathroom and locked the bathroom door and she was texting Belle's boyfriend Max that she Belle can't wait to make out with him on the beach during sunset, tne most romantic time of the day. Sam gave Belle her phone and Mad wrote back,''I can't wait to make out with you too on the beach with you wearing that bikini I bought for you a couple of weeks ago and ill wear my swim shorts and ewe could make out on the beach during sunset babe''. Belle wrote back,''ill see you at the airport in 2 hours'' Max wrote,'' actually we are going now.'' Belle wrote,'' ok awesome, well since everyone's packed up ill ask Sam's mom to drive us there in 20 minutes sincerely were are still packing a little, and Sam's grand parents are moving into the house we are leaving out of right now ok bye see ya later.'' Sam was singing again,'' Max wants to make out with you hahaha you guys are disgusting eewwww.

Sorry guys for the short chapter. It was so fun to write this chapter and weird. I write the first thing that pops in my head. Comment and vote and request. FOLLOW me on instagram at k33gan123 and Twitter at TWILIGHT10189 and on Facebook at Keegan Echevarria.

Sam and belle: In the adventures of having new best friendsWhere stories live. Discover now