Snape's Afternoon

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Harry was snuggled deep into my arms as we headed back via the floo. Having received permission from king Ragnarok to use theirs. I couldn't help but smile down at Harry knowing he had not one clue what he really looked like. At least vanity is not something I have to worry about. Once in my quarters I tucked him safely into my bed barty wearing his moody disguise right behind me. "Have a good afternoon session dear." He said softly once I turned to him. He gave a light squeeze to my shoulder before leaving. Quickly casting several charms over Harry so I knew when he got up then wrote a quick note to stay in bed till I spoke with him. Placing the note on the pillow next to him I left in a hurry to get my afternoon classes prepared.

I was shocked to find dumbasdoor waiting for me at the classroom. "Ahh Severus I was wondering what was taking so long for your return." Knowing he was basically demanding me to tell him. "It took a very long time to get done with filing things through with the goblins. Seemed as though they were literally trying to waste as much time as possible. Even the spoiled brat was irritated." With that said I swept passed him into the classroom. And started preparing for the class of fourth year Ravenclaw's and Hufflepuff's. I heard him follow me into the room.

"And there was nothing else Severus?" Dumbbells asked a tenseness to his voice. "Where is the boy at?" Dumbass seemed to be very worried that he was caught which he was but I wasn't about to tell him.

"No there was nothing else. As for where the fool has gotten off to no clue ask his girlfriend! Now if you don't mind I'm busy." I snapped at him then started moving much faster to get ready. As soon as I spotted him leaving I magically slammed the door. Then scanned the room for anything he could have placed around to spy on me. After ten minutes I found three. Setting them down next to students that would likely cause them to break during today's practicals.

Opening the door at the bell I found them all waiting though looking a bit worried. Stepping out into the hallway and shutting the door behind me. I cast a privacy spell around us. "Sit in your normal seats and those whom have items of note near your desk do your best to break said items. The points deducted will reflect how many I intend to see returned to you by end of the day. So if I take -10 I shall see to it you receive+100. But this only counts towards those odds items placed at those desks. All other foolishness will result in true point loss got it?" I watched everyone's eyes widen as I spoke. As soon as I had finished they nodded heartily. "Good most spectacular destruction without risking yourself or others wins." Taking down the ward I let them into the room. Noting several from the Ravenclaw court eye me speculatively.

By the end of class all three devices were broken. And Hufflepuff was due 200 points while Ravenclaw was due 100. But raven claw had the most spectacular by far destruction. They caused the thing to spark set on fire then melt. While giving off a dung bomb stink. I called the three destroyers to the front placing a privacy spell over us I smirked handing each a slip of parchment I kept handy it was soaked in vinectrums serum. "Each of you write down the name of the one you thought was the best destruction. Tell the truth as that parchment won't allow you to lie." I then handed each a quill. And took down the barrier as soon as they were done I looked through the slips. It would seem all three of you agree Ravenclaw wins.

Tapping his shoulder gently I handed over the slips of parchment. "Thank you sir." The young man said taking the slips reverently. I was glad he'd won he didn't seem to have much by way of happy ever. "Be here at 5pm sharp. To collect your prize." I told him flatly. But his head snapped up to me so fast I thought he'd injured himself. His eyes wide clearly floored. "Prize!?" He questioned softly. I could see that he was startled yet elated.

"Yes prize. Also let's not speak of this again class especially in front of a portrait or the headmaster." At once I saw the court members from both houses look at each other then nod.

"I put it forth for Hufflepuff house secret." A court member said standing. "Seconded" another house member said. "Any against?" Another court member asked. No sound "Then it passes." The first court member states sitting as magic wells around the Hufflepuff's.

"To you I ask this professor. If there was a goat a serpent and a firefly to which would you serve?" A high member of the raven court asked every student in the room stared at me.

Goat? I thought to myself then I realized Harry had been to interhouse court. They know something. Goat would be dumbass. Serpent could only mean my lord. So firefly must mean Harry. Ahh fire fly another name for them is lightning bug. "I must fall pray to the serpent. But I could always gaurd one other. So although I serve the serpent I shall shield the lightning bug."

The whole class seemed extremely relieved by my answer. The girl smiled at my response. "Ravenclaw house secret any against?" No response just waiting. "Then it passes. I shall be telling the queen later." I nod at her in response just as the bell ring the house magic settled around the Ravenclaw's. I ruffled the winners hair as he stood and slowly left the room still holding the slips of parchment.

The rest of my day went just about as well. Once classes were over I rushed to my quarters to speak with Harry. Seeing him still in bed but reading a book from my nightstand. Then I jolted that was a book on karma sutra. Rushing over I snatched it from him. Putting it in the drawer I turned to him. "no just no." He giggled at me. Sighing I said. "First you need to see yourself sweetheart then we need to get us both caught up on things." He nodded before crawling into my lap.

I smiled as I knew he was just being a little clingy due to the blocks spells and potions being truly gone. So I carried him into the bathroom while gently carding my hand through his hair. Once he was set on the floor he griped my hand tightly. I noticed he was squeezing his eyes shut. Did he not want to see himself. Then it clicked he's scared. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze back and nudging him forward a bit.

He opened first one eye then the other. His eyes had stayed the same. He had slightly higher cheekbones. A cute little button nose. His hair was far more curly and frankly a wild mess. His lashes were full and long. Gone was the James Potter face. You could see bits of me throughout his face his eye shape his jawline and ears. But lily took the lot. Save for the black curly monster mess hair. Guessing that came from the blood adoption. He was still short but had clearly a lot less mass to him.

"We will need to get you on a potions regimen. At least till your a healthy weight." I told him as he was eyeing himself. Getting a small nod. He seemed to be trying to smooth his hair down but was completely unsuccessful. All at once Harry jumped up onto me. Catching him I held him up then realized as he picked up a lock of my hair he was trying to find me in him. "You do look more like her don't you honey." I carried him out to the living room where I knew Draco and barty we're waiting. "Draco, Barty Harry's up. Harry I've got to go for now okay?" Harry nodded but looked sad.

Getting to the classroom though my office door I picked up a one of my first edition defense books that was extremely rare. But I had three as it was one I had personally written. I went into the classroom and the Ravenclaw was catching their breath. Giving them a minute I smiled at him. Extending the book out "your prize this is a rare addition and it is signed so take good care of it." I told him. He nearly jumped out of his skin as he read the title. Once he opened the book he gave a blinding smile. "Thank you professor I really do appreciate it." He held the book close as he existed the room.

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