Chapter 4

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I fell asleep on the couch after Jonah said he was going to the kitchen to get us some snacks to eat.

Jonah's thoughts

I go to the kitchen looking for some snacks, I find some putting it on a tray and walking back to the living room. I laugh seeing Liyah sleeping on the couch. I put the tray down on the table in the living room. I go to the ottoman opening it up pulling a black cover out of it. I place it on Liyah, I close the ottoman.

I hear the dog coming down the hallway, I turn to him as he try's to jump up. I sit on the longer end of the couch with the dog. I put the tv on a moving image. The dog hops down to the floor pulling on my pant leg. I stand up following the dog. The dog runs to the closet door, I open it and the dog pulls a cover.

I pick up the blanket and the dog runs down the hai back to my brother. I go back to the couch laying down, I put the cover on me and get on my phone.

"Hello" I say in the phone quietly.

"Where you go man" I hear A.J on the phone.

"I'm at home , I walked back" I say to him.

"Wondering , Lili is gone too without telling me." He says into the phone.

"Yea she might be at her apartment by now" I say in the phone.

"But she didn't drive here" he says, I hold my forehead.

"Maybe she caught a Lyft or something"

"Yea maybe"

"I'm trying to go to sleep" I say to him he ends the call.

I put my phone beside my head as I fall asleep on the couch.


I wake up from laying on my stomach, I look up seeing stuffed toys in front of me, I look around seeing I'm still in Jonah's house. The dog starts barking at the dog. I turn my head and Jonah wakes up standing up.

"Shhh" he says to the dog going to the front door.

"Hey Jonah, we're supposed be at the arcade at 2 it's 12pm" I hear A.J's voice at the front door.

I throw the cover over my head wanting to go back to sleep. I turn my head to the other side facing the couch. I can breathe I just have the blanket covering my eyes.

I go back to sleep.

A.J walks into the he house and Jonah closes the door. They both come into the living room, that's when Jonah remembers I'm in there.

"Must be your brother" A.J laughs to Jonah who nervously smiles.

I feel someone trying to pick me up.

"What" I mumble out, Jonah whispers in my ear.

"Do not take this cover off of you and just walk upstairs" he says to me , I turn my head to him still sleepy. The cover is on my head as I stomping to the stairs and walk to them. The dog pulls back onto the cover I'm holding.

"Get off" I say whispering to the dog and the cover comes completely off.

"Li" I hear my name called and I turn around rubbing my eyes. I see A.J standing there he looks over to Jonah.

"What are you doing here?" A.J asks me, I answer in a sleepy voice rubbing my head.

"I fell asleep on the couch" I say pointing to the couch.

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