HongSeong (special chapter)

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Hongjoong was staying at Seonghwa house. Hongjoong family don't accept Hongjoong who he was so they don't care for him. Doesn't even care where he is so he been staying with Seonghwa since forever.

"Baby, wake up" Seonghwa shook Hongjoong up, he was having a nap. "Mmm" Hongjoong slowly open his eyes, getting a wake up kiss from Seonghwa.

"Hyung" Hongjoong got up, yawning. "Baby, sorry I had to wake you up early. You were having a nightmare" Seonghwa had Hongjoong take a sip from a cup of water. "Oh" he look down.

Hongjoong made look cool and tough but in reality he isn't.

"It's okay love, want to talk about it?" Seonghwa sat next to him. "My dad hit me with a belt when I came out like I did in the past. My brother push me off of the stair and my mom threatened to hurt me with a knife" Seonghwa always hear this same dream. His mother and brother didn't do anything to him but his dad did.

"Baby, they won't ever hurt you, if they do. They don't want to mess with me" Seonghwa make an Angry bird look, making Hongjoong smile.

"Come on, let make this day better" Seonghwa start to head to the closet as Hongjoong follow. "Movie night!" Hongjoong scream, it's was in the afternoon.

Seonghwa grab the pillows as Hongjoong got the blankets. "Welp?" Hongjoong couldn't see because of the blankets. It's made Seonghwa chuckled. "Coming babe" Seonghwa took half for Hongjoong.

They set a comfy area on their big couch. They move their wide and big table in the middle. "Which Lego should we built?" Seonghwa ask, opening a cabinet full of lego boxes. "The Harry Potter one" Hongjoong pointed. "Ok, what do you want to make?" Seonghwa ask, opening a art cabinets full of different art stuff. "Ooh, I want to make bracelets, matching for us!" Hongjoong grab the supplies as Seonghwa got the lego.

They set the stuff on the table and got some snacks and drinks on the side. "When we order for dinner, what would you like?" Seonghwa ask. "Mmm, I want McDonald's" Hongjoong said. "Got it" they got comfortable on the couch and Seonghwa got Disney Plus on. "Can we watch Lion King?" Hongjoong ask. "Yes, we can" Seonghwa click on the movie and place caption words on it.

"Which is first?" Seonghwa ask him. "Let make the bracelets because it's will be quick than lego since it's a bigger set" Hongjoong explain. "You know what is bigger? My d-" Hongjoong cover his mouth. "Hwa!" Hongjoong blush getting the supplies out.

Hongjoong made a black and white bracelet for Seonghwa with Hongjoong name on it. And Seonghwa made a black and white one too but with his name on it for Hongjoong.

"Beautiful" Seonghwa place his on Hongjoong wrist as Hongjoong place his on his arm.

"Let build now" Seonghwa open the box as he chew on a pretzel stick. Hongjoong giggles as he bite the half off. "Naughty baby" Seonghwa kiss him. They were building the wizard school that Harry Potter goes.

It's been an hour and the movie was done and the Lego was almost done. "Can we watch Angry Birds?" Hongjoong ask. "Sure, I'm going to order now" Hongjoong nodded as Seonghwa got his phone.

The movie started playing as Seonghwa came back to help Hongjoong with his Lego.

"Now we are done" Seonghwa smile and took couple pictures of what they have made with them in it.

"It's here!" Seonghwa went to the door to open it and bring the meals to the couch.

The movies and eating dinner was done, Hongjoong had many fun but Seonghwa still have plans.

"Baby, I still have two plan for us" Seonghwa stood up, helping Hongjoong to stand up. "What is it?" Hongjoong ask. "Well, we make cupcakes and go to midnight bowling to win some prizes" Seonghwa told him. "Really! Let do the cupcakes now!!" Hongjoong cheer. "I already had the cupcakes ready, it's just need to be decorated. I cook them while you were taking your nap" Seonghwa told him, taking Hongjoong hand to the kitchen.

Seonghwa took the tray of cupcakes out and show Hongjoong. "Vanilla!" Hongjoong recognize the smell. Seonghwa started to grab all the supplies.

They started to forst the icing on the cupcakes. Hongjoong try to open the top of the sprinkles bottle but it went everywhere. "Uh oh" Hongjoong look at Seonghwa who was laughing at Hongjoong. "At least the cupcakes are cover" Seonghwa chuckle, grab a vacuum from the kitchen cabinet to clean the top of the counter. "Sorry hyung" Hongjoong help him. "It's okay love, let clean this and get ready for bowling" Seonghwa and Hongjoong place all the cupcakes in a container expect for two. They were eating them in the car.

After putting them away, Hongjoong grab their shoes as Seonghwa get their jackets and other stuff they usually bring.

"Bowling!" Hongjoong cheer, seeing the building. They got inside and pay for their bowling. They were going to share a bowling ball, each skikes they get. With the most win a prize.

"Are you ready babe?" Seonghwa said, getting ready for his turn. "Yes, don't forget easy on me please" Hongjoong ask because Seonghwa always do go easy on him. "Alright" Seonghwa held the ball and roll.

After some rounds, Seonghwa won making Hongjoong pout and at the edge of crying.

"I thought I would win, I been practicing with Jin!" Hongjoong cried. "Oh baby" Seonghwa hug his baby, maybe he should have gone easy, secretly. "You will always be my winner, how about this. I let you choose what you want for a prize?" Seonghwa ask. "Deal, I want the how to train your dragon, the black one because it's look like you!" Hongjoong pointed at the shelf. Seonghwa grab his tickets and show the guy as he grab the plush.

"Here you go love" Seonghwa hand the plush to Hongjoong who immediately kiss Seonghwa. "Thank you hwa" Seonghwa smile, seeing Hongjoong so happy.

He will always make him happy no matter what.


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