3: Stay Away From Me

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Well, It's about damn time I updated this. I have been slowly working on this on my free time- which is very little... Screw you math. The video is Irresistible by Fall Out Boy because Wally is irresistible. ;) ;) Okay, I'll stop trying to make jokes... MOVING ON. The picture is Nightwing (Right) kissing Wally (Left) after Endgame [With Wally NOT dying] I assume? Anyway, the credits to the picture goes to Helipeach. Go check her out! Also, dis is da last chapter (FORGIVE ME) to this story, BUT there will be a epilogue which I will [hopefully] post a short while after this!

Enjoy and btw, get some tissues. You'll need them.


Dick groaned as he felt himself come to, his head throbbing. He slowly opened his eyes, groaning again as he tried to get accustomed to the blinding light. It took Nightwing a good few minutes to get used to the the light, however just as he did, a wave of pain hit him and Nightwing moan, waking the person next to him. Wally shot out of his seat as soon as he saw Nightwing sitting there, clutching his ribs.

"Hawk Women said not to touch your ribs until they heal," Wally said, sitting down and looking towards his old friend, his heart clenching at the look of pain on Nightwing's face.

Dick looked over to the voice of the speedster, staring at him in shock. "What are you doing here?" He asked, letting his hand fall from his chest as he began to sit up.

"What? I'm not aloud to talk to my best friend from time to time?" Wally asked him, pulling one of his small, sweet smiles. Dicke winched at the words 'best friend.' Wally hadn't talked to him in months and he left a bruise whenever he gripped his arm- unknowingly, hopefully. He gave Wally a broken half smile.

"Not really that good of a friend if I let Artemis die," Dick mumbled, looking at a spot in the horizon over Wally's shoulder. Wally's eyes widened as he realized what Dick had meant. He put his hand on Dick knuckles.

"Hey, Dick look at me," Wally said softly. Dick sifted his head a little to the side. "It's not your fault. You just didn't get there in time." Dick stiffened at Wally's last sentence and took a deep breath. He hissed one word, "Out."

Wally's eyes widened and he looked at his best friend. He had sat here for-what? Three, four days?- nearly a week just to see if his best friend was okay and now he wants him to get out?

"Excuse me?" Wally asked.

"You heard me, Wally. Get out, now," Dick said, pulling his hand away from Wally's as if it was made of fire. Wally scoffed at Dick and got up. Wally headed to the door. "You know, I was trying to be nice, Dick, but I guess you wouldn't know because you're too busy with your life where every single fucking thing is perfect. Well newsflash, boy blunder, things really aren't because I think Batman messed you up so much that you can't notice kindness," Wally snapped as he left, slamming the door behind him.

Dick bit his lip and fought back the tears. It that what Wally really thought of him? That he was fucked up? A tear fell down his cheek and ran down to his chin. Gods Dick, how stupid did you have to be to fall in love with your best friend.

A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. "Who is it?" he asked, his voice slightly shaky. "It's me," came the soft reply.

"Come in," Dick said, smiling as his best friend, Barbara Gordon- who was none other that Batgirl, came in. She sat next to his bed and picked up his hand, gently stroking his knuckles. They were so close that people assumed that they were dating, but Barbara didn't like Dick in that way and Dick wasn't even attracted to girls.

"I saw Wally storming out of here and I decided to see what happened. So, Dick, What happened?" Barbara asked. Dick sighed and put his head into his hands, fighting back tears.

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