Settling in Chapter 1

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*Yawns.* "Ugh finally done bringing all of the boxes into my new room. But was it really necessary to bring EVERYTHING into my new room at the moment? I mean I get we have to bring everything out of the truck but I thought we would've just left it in the living room or like in that new garage that we just got?
Vanessa? VANESSA!"
I said trying to get the damn lady's attention. "Oh calm down Gregory. I'm paying attention don't worry. I was just thinking if I should bring in my whole bed set right at the moment or just bring in my mattress." She said scratching the back of her head.
"I say that it's best to just bring In the mattress at the moment. Besides it's like 10 o'clock at night. So I think we should both get to bed. Besides it's been a long and stressful day for the both of us so let's just rest for today and we will continue to settle in tomorrow alright?" I said trying to tell her that basically her idea is stupid. "Alright then but I will be waking up early in the morning. I gotta go for this new job interview that I am taking. So I won't be here tomorrow. But I will leave some money in case you need it and some food that you can just heat up quickly." She said hanging up her best outfit for tomorrow. "Okay then sounds good to me and good luck with that job interview! I'ma be heading to bed now so goodnight Vanessa! "Goodnight kiddo. And thanks."

Thanks for reading chapter 1!

Words: 246

A new start! C.C/Evan X Gregory Where stories live. Discover now