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I am (Y/n), Sonic's biggest enemy other than Eggman. I'm one of the fastest things in the world. I wasn't always... Not until Dr.Starline and Eggman turned me into one.

I was pretty fast when I was younger, faster than everybody else I knew before I moved to Green Hills. My parents had to go on a business trip to Green Hills, bringing me with them.

It was all good until Eggman figured out about me.

He killed my parents, he took me and tested me, making me as fast as Sonic. I've been stuck in that lab for years. Sonic never saved me, I had to save myself.

Ever since that day, I held a grudge against Sonic. I would never help that hedgehog because he didn't bother to help me.

I put on my mask and ran to the city. Another day, another blue ass to beat. I spindashed into buildings making glass break. I only chuckled and pulled out a wispon to pull myself on top of a building. I sat there and waited for the "fastest thing alive" to come around. He was awfully slow.

When he came I waved at him and gave him a smirk, but he couldn't see under my mask. "About time you came SlowPoke." Sonic only huffed and glared at me. I pulled out my wispon and hooked it around a fountain. "So, how have you been Blur?"

"What do you want from me? I don't even know your name!"
"You don't need to know my name. All you need to know is that it's all your fault I'm like this."
"What did I do wrong? I will help if you tell me what happened!"
"Help? It's already to late Blur. I was dying while you were living freely. I had to save myself." Sonic gave me a sad look. Like you care, don't give me that look. You know you aren't the hero people think you are.
I lunged at Sonic, he always defeated me in the end. But that's because I let him. I always had a weak spot for Sonic, Voices in my head tell me to kill him, but they also say to let him defeat me. I don't know why..

Sonic POV

That girl really gets on my nerves, she attacks me for a reason she won't even tell me. I could help her but she won't say anything. I'm a hero! I should be able to help her as long as she lets me! But she won't, I just have to deal with 2 enemies now.

But for some reason she always lets me defeat her, I know she puts no effort in trying to kill me. She sometimes is really nice to me, like she is my rival or even a friend. She's an oddball.

Your POV

I made my way back home but I heard a shriek coming from someone. I ran to the shriek and saw Sonic getting cornered by Eggman.. And some kind of robot. I got closer and sniffed around, the robot had a weird gas inside of it. At least Dr.Starline made me immune to sleeping gas. What is eggman thinking? It doesn't matter, I have to save Sonic before he does anything bad. I know I said I wouldn't save Sonic, but the voices are being a real pain in the ass right now. I ran to Sonic leaving a (f/c) blur behind.

I made it to my secret base, letting Sonic in and rest on my bed.

Sonic POV

I woke up and blinked until I could see clearly.
Where am I? This isn't my room. I heard footsteps and there was that girl. I believe it was her anyway. She didn't have her mask on this time. "Hey Blur, your finally awake."
"You?!? What am I doing here?"
"I saved you, be happy that I did. Eggman put a sleeping gas in one of his robots and cornered you with it, making you pass out. I don't know what he was planning but I'm not taking any chances." I stared at her, confused. "Why would you save me? I thought you hated me."
"It's hard to explain Blur, I have these voices in my head that tell me to do things I don't want to do. But I need to figure out what eggman is doing. I will see you later."
"Wait! Could I atleast get your name?"
"It's (y/n)!" She ran off.

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