Just the beginning

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Jade's P.O.V.

Ever since my parents left me that day. That sad 16th birthday when my only family left me, alone, never to be heard from again. I tried to find them, i really did. I called them everyday, till about a month ago. I've given up on finding them. They could be dead for all I know! That's something i worry about. Never being able to say goodbye, not having the answers to what happened. So I live on, in that house all alone. I have for two years now. Sure its gotten better, I've gotten more used to being on my own. What bugs me the most is how people treat me now. My teachers look at me as though I'm a lost puppy. The kids in school beat me up, tell me that i was the reason they left. That's most people anyway. Then there is that one annoying group that follows me around. Looks at me like, i don't even know. That group follows me everywhere. I see them on my way to school and on the way home. I've tried talking to them before but, its like none of them speak English. It is as all of their being told what to do and if they don't listen I would kill them.

Today is my 18th birthday and its on a Sunday this year. So that means i wont have to deal with much today, which is always a good thing. I slept in until 9:30 which isn't to bad. I spend a few minutes of pure struggle to drag myself downstairs and to the kitchen. First stop coffee. I turn on the coffee pot and place a mug under it. While my coffee is brewing i put two waffles into the toaster. While my breakfast is being made i turn on the news channel. Nothing to interesting. They were just talking about another school fight. I directed my attention toward my coffee and pour in a small amount of creamer. Leaving my mug on the counter i grab the butter, syrup and make my waffles. I sit on the couch watching TV. After washing the dishes, turning off the TV I head back upstairs to get ready. I take a quick shower, get changed into a pair of black jeans, white tank top, black hoodie, and my high top converse. I blow dry my hair and leave it naturally wavy.

I decide on going to the park, and maybe grabbing some ice cream as a treat for doing well at my last volleyball match. I slip my phone into my pocket, grab some cash and walk outside making sure to lock the door behind me. The sun was shining not a cloud in the sky. Walking down the road i put up my hood trying to avoid being seen by anyone. ("Making my way downtown, walking fast." Anyone? No? Okay moving on.) I make it to the park unseen by hiding in the shadows when I see people. When i get to the park there is a lot more people then i thought would be here. Then again it is a beautiful day out, so why wouldn't there be many people? I walk out of the shadows because now it is inevitable. Someone is going to see me. I walk past everyone straight to the wishing well. I pull out a penny, turn around, and make a wish. I flick the penny backwards into the well and hope for the best. "Score" I whisper to myself. 

I walk around the park for a long time, when i see an ice cream shop. I jog over and read a sign handing from the window. 'Closed for the 18th moon. Be back tomorrow'. "the 18th moon?" I am startled by the sound of a girls voice behind me. "How don't you know what the 18th moon is? What are you that stupid?" I turn around and see Brittney. The tall blonde girl from school everyone completely adores. "Oh hello Britt. If it is possible could you try to be less of a bitch for once?" She shakes her head. "Don't call me Britt. Only Drake calls me that." She tells me. "Oh please you and your pesky little boyfriend should, i don't maybe go stand by a cliff so i can shove you off." "Drake!" My eyes widen, i didn't know he was here! I start to run down the street as fast as I can. The sun is just about to set and i need to get home. Before i can make the turn onto my road I am pulled into the forest. "Who's there!?" I yell jumping to my feet. "Why are you still out?" "I was on my way home when you pulled me! Now who are you!?" "I can't tell you who i am. Just don't go back into town. Stay in the forest. It's safest tonight." "What is so freaking special about tonight?" I slowly turn around looking for the source of this voice, but i cant see anyone. "it's your birthday correct?" My eyes widen. "How did you know that?" I get no response, only silence. Then right behind me, whispered into my ear "run". That's what i did. I ran as fast as i could. 

Then I got a shooting pain in my leg, so i stopped running. This wasn't a normal cramp or something, this was bad. The pain started getting more intense and crawling up my leg. I fell to the ground shaking, as the pain moved to my other leg and up. As soon as this intense pain hit my spine I screamed. It felt as though my bones and skin where being stretched and ripped. "H-Help ME!" It hurt so unbelievably. I heard cracking as my bones moved. The pain moved my head and arm and I let out a blood curling scream. Tears fell out of my eyes realizing I was alone. Alone in the middle of the woods. No one was coming to help me, i am going to die out here. The pain was all i felt. I didn't feel so alone anymore, i didn't feel as sad. I knew it was all going to disappear, along with me. If my parents are dead, then we will be back together. As a family, alone.


Hello everyone! I finally got my laptop back so I will be updating more often now. Sorry for the wait. That's all i got for tonight, I'm super tired. So goodnight everybody and thank you for your patience.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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