Forever ago

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Jade's P.O.V.                                       Almost Two Years Ago.

        I'm awoken to the sound of cardboard scratching together. Annoying! I sit up and look at the clock. 4:15. I'm late for my morning run! I hop out of bed and scramble for my black and white shorts, my plain black T-shirt, and my black Nike free runs. I change in lightning speed and pack my sports gear for after school. I grab my backpack and gear bag and jump down the stairs. I hurdle myself over the railing and drop my stuff onto the couch. I run past my parents into the kitchen yelling "Morning! I'm late!" They follow me into the kitchen and kiss my head. "Morning sweet heart. Happy 16th birthday." My father hands me a small box. I finish my apple and chuck the core into the garbage. "Score!" I high five my dad and stick my tongue out at my mom. She was laughing at my childishness. They laugh and I smile grabbing the box. "Well you going to open it or should we take it back?" I look at my father and smirk. "You should know better than to rush a lady." My mom covers her mouth to stop from giggling and my dad messes up my hair. "Hey! I'm not five anymore!" "No, no your not. Now open the damn present or you will miss your morning run." I tear open the box and my eyes widen. "Are you for real?!" They nod and I hold up my brand new black IPhone. "I. Love. it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I tackled my dad and hugged him same with my mother. "Your welcome Jade. Now you best be on your way if you want to be back in time." "Right thanks!" I place my phone down on the counter and run out the door shouting "Be back in a bit!"

        I take off down the side walk into the forest. I go maybe half a mile till I reach the opening. I climb a tree and find which path I'm going to take. "I'll take.... right bend." I jump down from the tree. I look up through the leaves and smile. I live in a small town in the middle of no were basically. The nearest town is 75 miles away. Not many people go into the forest that surrounds the entire town. So no one but me knows the perfect spot to watch the sun rise and sunset. The cliff. It over looks the forest and all of town. It's so peaceful with the animals and green. Even though red is my favorite color I still love the way the green surrounds you and then it's like nothing else is out there. Just me, and the forest. The feeling of wind blowing my hair back,the leaves crushing beneath my feet listening to animals follow behind me and the birds chirping. I start running faster, jumping over rocks and roots. The world passes by me in a flash. I stop. "What?" I look at the ground around me and the path in front of me. "How can I already be at the cliff? I was at the bend not even a minute ago." I walk to the edge of the cliff and sit with my legs hanging over. Looks like I was just in time. The sun rises over the treetops and gives the sky its amazing red, orange glow. Branches turn black in the distance and I breath in the fresh morning air. I sit in silence letting my mind wander and listening to the sounds. Watching the sunrise is like a routine for me. Every morning I run here to see it rise. Every night I come to see it set. Its a great thing really, having something to look forward too. Especially when you always have people either trying to be your friend or ignoring you. That's not the point though. "I should head back." I stand up and brush the dirt of my shorts and take off in the direction I came.

        I make it home in minutes and close the door behind me. "I'm back!" I walk upstairs to my room and shut the door. I grab my clothes I set out and a towel. I jump in the shower and wash my hair, and body. The normal shower stuff. When I'm done I dry off and get changed into my black ripped jeans, my red wolf tank top, my black zip up jacket and my black combat boots. I confirm my outfit and move onto hair. I just blow dry and put it in a high ponytail. "Ready to go." I hop back downstairs and see my parents talking in the kitchen. I slip on my backpack and grab my gear bag. I stand next to the door. "She is going to be furious, sad, scared. Are we doing the right thing?" I am so confused. "Yes. If we find him before they even know about each other it will make it a lot easier." "How will we even find him?" "I'm not sure." I walk in the kitchen and grab my phone. "What you guys talking about?" I ask like I hadn't heard anything. "Oh nothing honey.Your mother and I won't be here when you get home from school. We are going on a business trip for a bit." I look at my father. "Really? How long will you be away? Where are you going?" My father shakes his head, and looks at my mom. "We don't know how long or where we will be. Now your going to be late. Come here. " I walk to my father and he hugs my tighter than ever before. "You need to take care of yourself while we are gone. I will miss you. Remember your my little girl. I will miss you so much." I pull back and see my father wipe a quite tear from his eye. I look to my mom. "Come here." I walk into her embrace. "I will miss you so much. Your so big. Don't worry. We will be home we just don't know when. I love you." I pull back and see tears fill her eyes. "I love you too." I walk to the door. "I don't want to be late. I love you both. See you when you get back." I look at there sad faces one more time before shutting the door. "Whenever that will be."

        Yay! First chapter! I hope you all liked it. I will be updateing as much as I can. Along with my other book 'It's my Life.' Again I hope you like it. NIGHT PARTY PEEPS! <3



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