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'That was stupid' Night Light said to himself as he stumbles a bit.

'At least the people in the building are safe' Feeling faint he smiled to himself. Knowing now he'll be caught by the heroes. That's what he gets for being careless. 

He falls to his back not having the energy to escape. Suddenly he felt someone catch him. In their arms he felt at ease.

"Woops, there, there, it's okay Night Light. You can rest easy now that the victims are safe." She said to him.

He looked up to see her. The fire he released in the air still illuminated the night sky. With that light he can see a faint glimpse of her face. She looked like an angel, there to take care of his poor soul, there to guide him to heaven, into paradise.

Night Light felt safe in her arms, like a child hugging his mother. He didn't care if he got caught, he is only fixed into her eyes. Her periwinkle colored eyes, which is complemented by her long blue hair. He didn't notice these features  when seeing her save innocence earlier.

Kneeling besides him, she placed her hands where the end of the mask is around his neck. He did not fight her though, accepting he let it happened. Slowly the heroine removed his mask partly.

"Sorry Night Light, it appeared like you were struggling to breathe. Don't worry, I can only see your mouth" She said as footsteps can be heard scaling the staircase on their way to the rooftop.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, you were just simply breathtaking that's all" He said with a small smirk in his mouth.

The heroine blushed a little though not seen by Night Light since the flame of the night sky dimmed down, she stayed silent not knowing what to say after the sudden flirting the vigilante did. He can hear the footsteps intensify. A flame grew brighter inside of him. A flame, a bright fire, yearning for freedom.

With that determination at hand he stood up. Stumbling a bit he stood firm.

"Hey, hey, rest Night Light don't force yourself"

"Sorry M'lady, I wish to live thy life not in captivity" He said in a renaissance man tone.

Quickly the police officers held their guns out. Pointing their guns at Night Light.

"Put your hands in the air!!!" One of them shouted at him.

"Listen to them Night Light" The heroine said to the vigilante.

Now surrounded, Night Light has no choice but to listen to the police officer. He raised his hands, a sign of defeat and surrender.

'So Naive'

'Do they actually think I won't go down without a fight'

Suddenly he quickly lowered his hands making a fire dome. Deflecting the bullets of the police officers. He launched himself from the rooftop and flew away using his flames for repulsion.

"So you're not gonna go after him Eraserhead" Ryuku asked the pro hero while tending to the rescued victims.

"I'll let it slide this time, he deserves a rest I think" He responded while both pro heroes watch him flie away.

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