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Under the cover of darkness, Night Light prowled the desolate expanse of the port, his footsteps echoing against the cold pavement like whispers in the night. The faint glow of streetlights cast long shadows that danced eerily across the weathered facades of abandoned warehouses, lending an air of mystery to the scene. With a flashlight clenched tightly in his hand, he moved with purpose, his keen eyes scanning for any sign of disturbance amidst the quiet solitude. As he ventured deeper into the heart of the port, Night Light felt the weight of the night pressing down upon him, but he remained undeterred, driven by a relentless determination to uncover the truth hidden within the shadows.

In the dimly lit corner of the port, he was met with an unexpected sight-a figure he hadn't anticipated encountering. Standing there, with an air of calculated poise, was Nejire-Chan, the hero that did not let him fall to the ground.

"Night Light," Her voice cut through the silence like a knife. "What a surprise to find you here."

Night Light's jaw tightened imperceptibly, his gaze meeting hers with a mixture of wariness and intrigue.

"Nejire-Chan" He acknowledged, his tone guarded. "I could say the same for you. What brings you to this part of town?"

A smile tugged at the corners of Nejire-Chan's lips as she took a step closer, her eyes gleaming with a spark of rivalry. "Reports from nearby residents say that a suspicious man is spotted at rooftops nearby. So the agency sent me to investigate"

Night Light raised an eyebrow, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes despite himself. "Is that so? I knew I should have waited a little longer before snooping around"

"Oh by the way, may I ask why you are snooping around. I thought you were the type to go around scorching criminals" She asked.

Her expression remained stoic, though a hint of skepticism lingered in her gaze.

"Well you see..." He replied, his mind already racing with strategies to outmaneuver the heroine.

All of a sudden flashlights flash nearby as a group of men start to move closer to their position. Nejire-Chan grabbed his hand as they sped off to find somewhere to hide.

"You spot any intruders?" A man said to the group.

"No sir, though we heard talking in this part"

"Find them! The boat is about to be here in about an hour. We don't want anyone alerting the cops. Go!" The man commanded the group as both still stayed in their hiding spot.

After the group of men dispersed in order to cover more ground and find the trespassers. Their livelihood and freedom is on the line. If they were to be caught now, all their hard work for the past months will be all for nothing.

"Are they gone?" He whispered to her. She looked if the coast was clear, she gave the go signal and both exited their hiding spot.

"What are they shipping out of the country. Drugs?" Night light joked as a silent chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Exactly. I was joking earlier about the residents reporting you. It was actually men seen sometimes in the harbor, they are all in suits confidently outside in the afternoon. Mobster types of people. I was sent here to investigate if the rumors and reports were true. Now overhearing what the guard said I'm positive it's true" She said to the vigilante. "How about you Night Light? Why are you here?"

Night Light put his hand on his chin. A serious look can be seen on his mask even though it is night.

"I also heard reports from my vigilante friends about this harbor. They say a beautiful hero will be patrolling nearby at night" He said with a smile on his face.


"HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!!" He whispered scream to her.

"Would you answer me truthfully. I'll contact Ryukyu to inform her and to call backup. We should keep moving before they find us"

"Aye yey captain"

Both of them waited for back up before attacking. They planned for a distraction so that the main force won't have a problem quickly surrounding the port and other facilities inside.

"Sir, the boat is here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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