Chapter 2

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*Sophia White's point of view*
I was saying goodbye to Justin at Martha's bakery when he pulled me into a hug and said
"I'll see you in a few" I was about to say okay but he ran out in front of me. Awkward. I still kind of felt him in my arms it was weird I didn't see him for years beside from seeing him on television. I can't believe the one person who really cared about me before was back in my life. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. He made me feel so amazing when I was down.


When I was walking out of Martha's bakery I decided that I'll walk to my law firm that was about half a mile away . Besides the day was young only 3:35 pm. Until I saw a custom leopard print Audi pull up next to me and I knew it was Justin because who else would own a leopard print Audi . All I heard was
"you want a ride back to your job?" I said "no thanks I need the exercise" which I knew that was a big lie I was 5'4 and 125 pounds I was slim thick and not to be cocky I was proud of my body. When I was younger you could say I was anorexic because I had depression for awhile when Justin left me. But now I was fit and happy so I think I'll just lie and say I need to walk .
"Come on Sophia I want to show you something at my place it's only ten minutes from here."
"Justin I need to get to work I have one hour left I'll call you , remember you gave me your actual number so I'll call you to pick me up."
"ok fine then let me just give you a ride there.
"sure" is all I said. I got in the car and let him take me away.

*Justin's point of view*
Sophia got into my car and I was smiling in victory cause I had just convinced her to get in. I can't believe she said we could hang out later that all I have to do is answer my phone and pick her up. That's not that hard.
"ooh I love this song, turn it up Justin" I turned up the music and it was all that matters by Justin Bieber huh, what a coincidence.

"Just as sure as the stars in the sky

I need you to show me the light.

Not just for the mean while for a long

long time better believe it."

I heard Sophia sing it was so beautiful its like when we were younger she used to sing to me and she would send tingles through my body only using
Her elegant voice. .
"Justin are you okay your just staring at me." sorry Sophia your just so beautiful and an amazing singer
"she started to blush at the sound of this
"thank you, when you left I got into singing more but stopped a whole while back. I leaned in closer and tucked a loose strand of hair into place and said
"don't ever stop again that was beautiful" she smiled and looked away. "why are you so shy around me Sophia its me Justin the money and fame doesn't change me I'm still the same boy from 6 years ago.
"i pulled her head up and there was literally one inch between us of space. "I know it's just you've changed and you can't lie and I know where just friends but your body matured and your very masculine making you look attractive." I didn't notice that I had stopped into the parkway of her law firm five minutes ago but she didn't either so I kept talking to her.
"Sophia what about you your a grown women now, look at you your gorgeous you were beautiful before but now you just blossomed into something beyond that."
"Justin you always know the right thing to say to get a girl to smile." I sighed and looked down for a minute she was so close and I was to.
"remember when I kissed you Sophia in the ninth grade because you just wanted to know what it felt like" she started to laugh and she said
" yea and I started to hiccup because I was nervous but when you actually kissed me I fainted
"now she was in tears talking about it. I was dying too that day was so funny we were ready to do it in front of every one cause they thought me and Sophia we're going out because don't get me wrong in the ninth grade girls swooned over me and were jealous at the fact that Sophia got to be so close to me all the time because she was who I sat with at lunch, we walked to class together, we went home together, we did everything together, and sometimes we fell asleep on the couch together. She was my everything and she still is.
"well I'll see you In an hour I got to get going thanks for the lift Justin"
"no problem you already know when you need something just call."
"Alright bye see you in a few and remember stay good no goofing around."
"Alright bye mom" I said sarcastically as I drove away.


*Sophia's point of view*
I was done with work around 6 pm it took longer then I thought because I had to fill out paper work. when I got outside it was pouring and my umbrella broke so I called Justin as soon as I got outside he didn't answer the first time but I tried again and he answered on the second ring he sounds so groggy but sexy at the same time as he said
"hello.. oh crap Sophia sorry I fell asleep and didn't hear my alarm. I'll be there in about twenty minutes-"
"Justin it's pouring outside and remember what I'm wearing with no umbrella just my suitcase to cover my head can you try to get hear a little faster. please."
"yea sure anything for you Sophia" "thanks Justin I really appreciate it." The line went dead since we said bye to each other I was clinging on to my sides trying to stay dry which didn't work. I was soaked in less then a minute. it was late August of coarse we would get crazy weather like this. I sat on the steps of the law firm which closed early on Saturdays at 6 pm which was such a coincident since I was just stranded here. my hair was all wet and messed up now. Great. I just let it loose so it won't look as bad.
* 10 minutes later *
I saw the recognizable Audi pull up to the end of the extremely long law firm block and Justin came out with an umbrella but he was down the block so I took off my heels and started to run to the car. I caught up to him and said "thanks for not taking to long I would've looked worse and caught ammonia" I started to laugh at my own joke.
"hey you still look cute" he said as he passed me a blanket from the trunk and I said thanks this boy really looks out for me gotta love him. On the way to his loft I said
" so what do you wanna show me"
" it's a surprise I can't tell you" he replied. I dozed off as the silence took over ...

* Justin's point of view *
* 20 minutes later *
Sophia and I arrived at my place and it stopped raining but she was still asleep.
I decided I was just going to carry her to my private elevator and then set her down in my bed so I can take a shower.
Sophia was soaking wet. I didn't want her to get sick so I wrapped her up in blankets while I went to go shower.

* Sophia's point of view *
* 3o minutes later *

I woke up cold but so cozy wrapped up in unfamiliar blankets. I looked around and I guess I was in Justin's bed room.
He was the same had a boring room but a vibrant personality. As I looked around I just noticed the creme colored walls and little things here and there. I got up and I was still wet so I took off my clothes quickly because I didn't know where Justin was so I wasn't going to take my time and then let him walk in and see me naked . I stripped down from my skirt to shirt all the way to my bra and panties. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around my body so I at least had something on. I folded my clothes and settled them on the floor in a neat pile and took off my necklace too. I heard water coming from a door in the left side of the room. It was the bathroom and Justin was probably showering that's why he wasn't here. but all of a sudden the water turned off and the door unlocked . All you see is Justin with a towel wrapped around his waist walking out of the bathroom.
"Sorry I would have came out dressed in more but I thought you were still asleep."
"no it's fine..its just.. I just.. was surprised to see you like that."
"Likewise" was all Justin had to say.
"Do you have any thing I can borrow cause my clothes are Drenched."
" Yea here let me get you a t-shirt and boxers" Justin rummaged through his black bureau and pulled out black boxers and a white t-shirt and handed it to me.
"thanks I'll be right back" as I pointed to the bathroom.
"oh by the way can I spend the night since I'm not busy tomorrow."
"yea sure sophia." This was gonna be a fun night as I thought to myself and closing the bathroom door behind me.

Desire drove me to him ~ J.BWhere stories live. Discover now