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(This entire chapter is in Justin Bieber's point of view. Enjoy.)

I was sitting at a nice little table inside of Martha's bakery in New York waiting for my lawyer to arrive. I was trying to imagine what she would look like. Maybe short and fat with long hair and and a hairy chin. Of coarse that would never happen I'm Justin Bieber I think they would at least give me someone presentable enough to be seen with. (By that I mean hot) I looked up from my muffin and saw an average height looking girl with light brown hair and a very curvy frame walking my way. She was wearing red bottom heels, a pencil skirt, a tucked in black blouse and surprisingly she was hiding her face with a sun hat and sunglasses. Weird. When she sat down across from me I immediately thought she was gorgeous her features that were visible reminded me of someone but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. She started to speak about my case and the one thing heard was her name "Sophia white" now that really did sound familiar but I guess it's not important. "Justin bieber I think you should be listening to me this is very serious. You could go to prison because when they bring up the drug possession there going to bring up the speeding tickets, the stolen cars, the violation of property, and your disruptive behavior in other countries." I swallowed hard at the sound of this but my response was " I'm going to loose my career, my whole life is going to be over, please help me." a sarcastic voice she cleared her throat and said " I advice you to take this seriously" and I replied with "I advice you to unbutton that shirt so I can see them knockers but we both know that won't happen" I said in a low voice chuckling to myself " her cheeks were fiery red and as soon as she took off her enormous hat and sunglasses she blurted out "its me Sophia white remember me your best friend like oh my god I knew you were a dick on the news but now I actually believe it!" In her familiar drama queen tone. My mouth fell open to see the different girl in front of me "it's been six years smiley , wow! You've changed. It's been awhile, am I right." "You think" was all I got from her and what followed after that was "its Sophia you don't have the privilege to call me that any more." That statement really hurt me. The girl in front of me was my childhood best friend but I barely acknowledged her presence for the last six years so now where nothing to each other. Her face was straight and focused on the work in front of her.

We finished talking about what I need to do and she said that I have to advertise my "kindness and change" to the world. So my agent booked me on the Ellen show in a week. " In the week that you have you need to donate money and take pictures with your sick fans at saint Jude hospital" Sophia said. " Will you come with me to make sure things go as planned?" "Sure" she replied . She was about to get up and leave so I said "why don't we catch up right now, I think I deserve to know atleast what's been going on in your life it's not like I could pick up a phone during a concert and call you and ask you how's everything going." She scoffed at that and said " ok I'll give you that but nothing much just the usual things, so my mom and dad stayed together but barely show any affection towards each other, oh yea I have a sister now her names grace she's five years old and is your number one fan." I couldn't resist to smile at the fact of her speaking about her family and smiling when she mentions her baby sister. "Your sister must mean a lot to you. Like I can see that million dollar smile when you mention her. Remember I used to say that to you when we were little because I would pick flowers out of your moms garden for you just to see your million dollar smile" she started to laugh and smile even more. "See that's the girl I wanna see. Not the serious strictly business girl" "Justin not everything in life is suppose to be fun. Sometimes you have to be strictly business. I'm not you I don't have concerts and shows to go to. I have meetings and lectures to go to. This is my life and that's your life. We live in two different worlds, if our worlds collide again it will turn into chaos." My smile faded as I said " it doesn't have to be that way come on Sophia I missed you everyday and I always wanted to call you its just-" " just was Justin! You always have an excuse for something own up and say you didn't want to be apart of my life anymore because you found someone new." She was breathing heavily and shaking. She was panicking I knew the side effects that she had, she never liked to yell or get into fights because when she did she freaked out and blacked out on people and went ballistic. She only blacked out when she was scared that she was going to do something dangerous and only gets ballistic when people lie to her face about something she already knows while she's having a panic attack. I'm glad people could not see or here anything happening because we were In a private booth with a curtain in the back corner. It was time for me to own up to my mistake and tell her why I pulled away. " Sophia I'm not lying I missed you so much to the point that no girl in my life could fill in your spot, until I met Selena Gomez she was like you, kind at heart a sweet girl but had her own problems like you. Remember when I helped you deal with your mom and dads separation. Remember when I helped you out when Samantha ( Sophia's former best friend) told everyone to bully you and exclude you from group activities in the eighth grade ." Yea" she said with a small smile "ok Selena had problems that I was able to fix too. But the difference was she wasn't that good for me like you were, she cheated on me with some guy but we kept it behind closed doors. She blocked everyone on my phone including your number because she's a jealous and paranoid that a beautiful girl like you would take me from her.
Then she sent my former best friend the girl sitting right in front of me a letter I didn't know about in my name saying to stay away from me that I didn't want you in my life before because she hated the fact that I always thought about you, compared her to you, I will always and forever love you." now I was breathing heavily because I was talking for literally five minutes straight. she bursts out into tears and said "Justin I missed you, I really did. I can't deny it any longer. you don't know how many fights between my parents I had to witness and sit through. I needed you but, but you were off doing something better." "Sophia I promise you and this time I won't break it, I promise you I won't leave you . you are my best-friend even after six years of not being together you will always hold that special spot in my heart." "I love you Justin" " I love you too Sophia."

Desire drove me to him ~ J.BWhere stories live. Discover now