~1~: "Playman"

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Player's POV

We respawn to the lobby where the others should respawn after the game ends
I hopped down from my seat and looked around
I noticed they were arguing about something, because of my curiosity...I walked towards them
"Wizard, you better not let him play with us again" I heard Gnome said
"Well, I have no other choice but to leave, because if you want Arnie to leave this lobby then I'm gonna leave too!" Wizard exclaimed
"Leave with him for good, you also unbelievably cheated as an impostor with no kill cooldown" Veteran stated
"Hey uh, what's going on here?" I asked
"Look who decided to talk with us" MrCheese said as he narrowed his visor at me, everyone also did narrowed their visors at me except Wizard
I was hurt a bit..
"Oh Mr Playman, we're just talking about Wizard's giant creation here...it was also rude of how he flattened my beanie boy like that" TheGentenleMan stated
"Actually, they hate the guts of Arnold and..me of course, we also talked about this, I know you already know Player.."Wizard  said as he walked towards me
I think I know what they meant now..
"I...you're really gonna leave with him..?" I asked with a bit sadness of my voice
It was still really fun to play with someone like him
But now...I think I'm gonna be alone now since the others still hate me
"Well...yeah...I'm sorry Player but I'll try to go back, it's also nice hanging out with you" he said
I looked at the others to see they are already busy talking with each others, I glanced back at Wizard
"Okay...see you soon Wizard
Good game btw" I said
"Yes yes, also...don't pressure too much about it okay?" He asked
I was confused so I tilted my head
"Nevermind, bye Player, come on now Arnie" Wizard said as Arnold walked beside him
"Hasta la vista baby!" Arnold exclaimed
Oh boy..
And then...they left the game

"Finally, that horrible beast is gone, my children would still be terrified because of his monstrous strength!" Mother exclaimed
"Guys, you can't just do that to him, you know he's also part of our friendships right?" I asked
They...again, narrowed their visors at me
Ugh, seriously?
"As if you're part of our 'friendships'" Gnome bluntly said
"Hey" Engineer playfully pushed Gnome
"Sad to say, Gnome has a point there buddy" Veteran said
Atleast our friendship isn't over yet...right?
"Okay okay fine, I'll give you guys some time for a while, and not gonna bother you if that's what you guys want until you finally forgive me" I quickly said
They stared at each others for a while
I sighed and sat down on my seat, staring at the floor

3rd Person's POV

The beans formed in small circle to have a low conversation
So that their red bean 'friend' won't hear
"Do u guys have plan of forgiving him?" MrCheese asked
"Well, I'm not sure, but if you forgive him then I'll also forgive him" TheGentleMan stated
"Awww you're following me?" MrCheese chortles as his boyfriend just blushed
"Well I'm still having this bad feeling that he's gonna leave to play solo to other games again like we're not really that important to him as friends or something
What are you also feeling, Cap? " Veteran asked
"I don't know actually, playing the game without him was pretty boring and sad for me since it's been a while I wanted him to accept me being his bestie
But nevermind" Captain said
"Right..." Veteran muttered
"Guys, can we start the game now" Gnome asked
"Oh yeah sure I forgot about that" Captain quickly said as he started the game

The two impostors are Veteran and Player

Veteran's POV

Damn, Playe- I mean Playman's my partner of all people?
I'm just gonna end this round real quick but...why am I having this feeling that I don't want him to win for a while...like...I wanted to bring his losing streak back..?
Oh I'm gonna be a horrible 'best friend' for this
"Everyone scatter!" Captain exclaimed as they scattered except Playman
He went towards me
"Hey uh...Vet,is it okay for you if we work together as impostors?" He quietly asked
I was silent for a while because I couldn't think of a word, it also surprised me that it's the first time he gave me a nickname or something
I thought he's gonna give us some time or space without him bothering us?
"I...I guess it's a n-no then..
It's fine, I'll mind my own business" he said as he walked towards the admin
Okay, that was rude of me but it was more ruder of what he did..
I let out a huff and proceeds to do my work


I killed Gnome,Engineer,and Mother while Playman just killed Captain and Stoner
It was only 5 of us now
Someone suddenly reported a dead body, it was TheGentleMan
"Oh it was horrible, I found Mother's dead body in the electrical inside the entrance, her children are crying in misery right now" he dramatically told us
"Any sus?" I asked
"Well Playman has been suspiciously quiet for a while-" MrCheese said as he got cut off by Playman
"What? Don't tell me you 'sus' me
Give some proof first before you guys will accuse someone all of a sudden, and for the last time please call me by my 'actual' name!
And MrCheese, you can confirm I'm innocent!" Playman calmly exclaimed
Meh, I still like calling you playman cuz it's just hilarious
"Yes, you may be with me for a while and haven't killed me but you we're the last person who exited the electrical and your plan for me by vouching for you won't work, you still suck at this!" MrCheese stated as I noticed Playman flinched a bit at that
"I-I swear I didn't kill her!" Player proclaimed
It was true, he didn't kill Mother, it was me
Before Mother could go walk out with MrCheese and Playman, I quickly killed her and used the vent to hide
"Liar! Let's just vote him out guys" MrCheese said as he voted Playman
Playman suddenly stared at me with a pleading look on his visor
"*fart noises*" It was Poopyfarts..
Wait..how come I notice just now that Poopyfarts was here in the whole time..?

Welp, I'm sorry Playman
I voted for Playman, he looked down
Well, all of us voted for him as he got ejected from the skeld

Player was an impostor.1 impostor

Welp, I'm still lucky that they didn't sus me..
Minutes later..
I got ejected out cuz MrCheese suddenly saw me killed Poopyfarts
Which...I did it on purpose for no reason..
We respawn to the lobby again
I can feel that Playman was glaring at me then he suddenly went towards me
"What was that all about?" He asked
"What?" I asked pretending I didn't know what he was talking about
"You know what I'm talking about,let me guess..
You did it on purpose so that I could not win again" he guessed
"So? What are you gonna do about it?" I asked
"I...*sigh*" he sighed and suddenly walked away from me
Huh, that's weird

A/N: hey aul fans like me!
Can I know some of your opinions if should I add some ships you like?
Like for example...I'll add the ship called...
Plateran(player x veteran)
And others...if u won't mind..

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