~6~: How to stop him..

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Dum's POV

Ugh this is insane! I was just gone for just how long for college days and went back visiting then this is what I get in return specially from my brother??
Great...all I need to do is to think of how to bring him back..
Mom and Dad's gonna be mad
"Oh my good heavens,Mr.Player! Snap out of it, you don't know what you're doing!" TheGentleMan yelled, we are currently trembling in fear, the fact that we're gonna lose him..
"Tsk tsk tsk,he's not here anymore,all of you are disappointment, specially this 'Player' guy" Novisor growled
"No! I know you're still in there Player, I just know deep inside you're still there... Bestie!" Captain exclaimed
"Hahahaha, you fools, not believing me eh? Haha, how are you even gonna bring him back when he's stuck in here forever and there's no way you can bring everything back to normal" he stated, I glared at him, he started to walk towards us as we slowly back off one more time
Ninja was in front of us in a protective position as he let his sword out
"Guys..I know this is crazy but...pls don't hurt him, Novisor's vessels or whatever it is are now are connected to Player obviously, if we hurt him...Player would also gonna be hurt.." I muttered
"Of course, just look at our buddy, he looks like he's just being possessed, nothing more" Veteran grumbled
"He has a point according to realism.." Stoner muttered

"Guys, pls focus.." I said as I started to think deeply
"*sigh* You friends think quickly while I distract him" Ninja said as he launched forward to Player to make some distraction
"Don't die tho!" Veteran yelled
Me and the others started to form into circle
"Okay, you experienced this...this horrible situation already before right?" I asked
"Why yes, although it was more different from this now, Player wasn't supposed to be possessed but it is now so difficult to solve this insane matter" MrEgg said
"Indeed, it was a horrible experience, that despicable Novisor monster kept removing the visors from the poor victims to make them as his slaves" TheGentleMan said
I was shock to hear that

"His slaves u say...you mean... Oh no... " I muttered
"What" TheGentleMan asked, still confused
"You mean my precious Engineer was now in his under control as well!?" Gnome exclaimed and now panick
"Oh yes so that's what you meant...I.... OH GOSH YOU'RE RIGHT
NOT MY MRCHEESE!" TheGentleMan screamed and also panicked
"Guys relax! Pls think of how we gonna stop him!" I yelled
"Uh...speaking of how we gonna stop them...
You guys go on to the other safe place to discuss it cuz I'm also gonna distract them.." Veteran said as he pulled out his impostor knife
I was confused at first but then when I heard them saying..

"No visor, no visor, we will make you one of us..." It was now MrCheese and Engineer, they kept repeating those words as they started to float towards us
"GO!" Veteran yelled as we started to run away from cafeteria
"How is he even gonna defeat those ghosts when they're a 'ghosts'!?" I asked
"You know him, always complicated" Stoner said
"Where are we even going? Running away was a bad idea after all since we're supposed to stop Player" MrEgg said
We then stopped from running
"You know what, you're right" I simply said
I started to look around
We're currently at the Medbay
"Say..where's Captain?" I asked
"Hmm...since Mother's not here also, I'm guessing that they've been caught.." Gnome muttered
"No that's not true!" I exclaimed

Player's POV

"Novisor stop! Please leave them alone! You already had me, why are you still doing this!?" I asked, I was now currently being chained down in the darkness as I kept struggling to break the chains and escape but I kept failing
I'm always a failure..
"Hahaha, you'll never gonna stop me Player, because this is my destiny to haunt every players down!" He yelled
I also can see what he's doing with my body, I saw the others ran away, all of them are in fear...they fear me...
Ninja was still strong and had more confidence that he can stop me..
While Captain's helping Veteran to distract the slaves and Mother...well... Being accidentally murdered by an impostor who was Veteran when he was just got scared when Mother tapped his shoulder
*sigh* what an idiot
"Haha just look at your so called 'friends' Player
Doing their best to get rid of you" He muttered
"Get rid of 'you',not me" i corrected
"Shut up!" He yelled as he showed up in front of me, he clenched fist and he was really mad
"Don't act like you're the smartest of all, I've been observing you and your actions may seems interesting but still disgusts me" he said
"Ugh, what a horrible stalker" I grumbled then rolled my visor
"Oh you'll regret saying that...I had enough of you and your friends kept insulting me-" he said but I interrupted
"Because our opinions about you are true
You are a horrible despicable monster, good for nothing, useless,liar-" I stated but he suddenly cut my sentence when he quickly scratched my face hard
"GAH!" I screeched as some of my blood started to flow out from my face
Now that hurt...
I looked up to him then glared, he still have that mischievous look on his face
I smirked
"Whatever actions you'll ever do to me...I won't regret saying those and I won't regret anything!
Me and my friends will forever be friends! Nothing can stop that until you just randomly showed up then messed everything up!" I growled as he frowned

I know he was gonna hurt me again until...
"Player-san, I know you're still in there, wake up and don't let this monster control your body forever!" It was Ninja who pinned my main body down
I then suddenly heard a chuckle from Novisor
"Now..will you look at that.. The others are back in action again..
As if they can help you anyway, you're inside of this body and forever gonna be stuck so they can't help you!" He growled as he launched a strong punch at my chest as I started to cough blood
"I-I don't put my hopes in them...cuz...I k-know I can still defeat you in m-my own" I stuttered
"Oh yeah? You're still gonna defeat me with your state right now!? Hah! You're always a 'joke'" he said and started laughing again
I smirked and said..
"You know...you're always a bitch"
When he looked down at me, I quickly punched him in the face
And yup, I forgot that I still have this red knife with me...and sliced the chains down..
Also..what kind of 'ghost' that still can be hit by a living person or something..
Oh yeah... He's a monster, not a ghost, pfftt

"Help..." - Player | Among Us Logic FanficWhere stories live. Discover now