Chapter 5

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Yelena stood up from me and let Maya finish helping me, she spoke softly trying to clarify things for all of us. "Well, that was fun. Okay maybe just for me but still. You probably want to know names, right? Well, this is Jess, Nala, and Salena. You guys already met Kara, but this is her friend Maya, and the other girl that was there is Lily, right?" I nodded at her question, while Maya just looked at me like I was crazy. I could see she had many questions, many pertaining to why I was training with them and how I knew them enough to fight and win. Yelena continued to give us all a little speech, nothing bad but just over what she observed and what she thought needed to be done. "You all did great. I just hope the three of you lost because you have been fighting a lot on this mission and not because you lost to a kid that's one younger than all of you, two less trained than all of you, and three a bit weaker than all of you." They looked scared but she continued as she looked at me, "As for you, catching that small mistake Nala made was amazing, not many would have caught that and be able to have taken her down. The fight with Jess, you caught on quick to her strategy and even turned it on her, very good. With Salena, you saw she was hurt before we knew, she hid this from us all mission, but you caught that and chose not to go easy but to change your fighting as to not hurt her worse. I don't want to put my team down any, but this was a learning experience, and I didn't expect a fight like this. You all did good, sure some better than others but good." She looked back to us all then walked out. Jess and Nala both helped Salena up with small glares at her, probably for hiding an injury. I jumped up to follow Yelena, I still wanted to ask about the ribbons, but Maya stopped me, grabbing my arm, and holding me back.

"Kara what the hell was all that? You have refused to answer anything I or Lily have asked, then this. Don't you think people will notice your split lip, bruises, and cuts?" she continued to ramble on about all these things but all I wanted was to leave. I knew Yelena would be gone doing something by now so all I wanted now was to fully clean up from all this and sleep. I tried to jerk my arm away from her, but she wouldn't let go. She reached for my other arm and pulled me back down to sit in front of her. Reluctantly I sat in front of her as she continued to clean my cuts. "If you don't want to talk that's fine but please if you're doing this to impress them, please stop. We aren't on missions yet and they're killers already. They could kill you at any moment if you mess up. You're lucky the one was hurt, and they stopped it. Look I know you don't think people care and you probably know more about this place than I do but please be careful. You may be a born fighter like they all say and watching you fight, you are an amazing fighter, but even amazing fighters need help sometimes. They fail sometimes, and over all they tend to have an amazing team behind them supporting them. Don't let Yelena and the others make you think you're alone or don't need anyone even if the other person is just there to take care of your cuts." She finished cleaning my cuts then looked at me and just smiled.

I smiled back with a small laugh, "Am I free to go now?" She nodded and let me go. On my way to my room Jess joined me then walked me back to my room. She never said anything just nodding her head and watching something. Once I got to my room I stopped her, "Not trying to be rude but was there something you needed?" She turned and just looked at me and soon Nala showed up. "Guys why are you following me?" They continued to just stare at me, they looked mad and partly worried for some reason.

Out of nowhere Jess startedyelling at me once all the other girls were gone, "You will be the reason weget killed! You just think you're so much better than us, taking in all thesecompliments, you don't even know the person they are calling you! You aren't aWidow even if Yelena says you are. You aren't! You never will be. Just becauseyou can fight and speak Russian doesn't mean anything. Just wait till the bossgets to you. You won't last long. You will be out like all the other girls fromyour group." Nala never spoke; she just stood behind Jess with her armscrossed. I won't lie those words did hurt me. They were true to a point but allthey did was fuel anger and make me work even harder. I opened the door to myroom and slipped in before they could stop me. I reached for the knife thathung above my bed and my makeshift sharpener and started sharpening the blade.


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