29: High Enough

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The next morning I woke up with a headache. My friends were awake already. Sakura was on her knees in front of the toilet, throwing up whatever she ate last night. Kuina was chugging bottles of water. She had like 8 empty bottles beside her and was currently drinking her 9th one. Chishiya was brushing his hair, since it was full of knots. Sakura wiped her mouth, flushed the toilet and came back into the room. "I'm never smoking weed again." She said out of breath. "This was a bad idea." Kuina said as she opened another bottle of water. "You think so?" Chishiya said. Kuina was about to drink even more, but I stopped her. "Stop drinking, you're gonna throw up everywhere and probably bomb my toilet with diarrhea because there so much water inside of you." I said. "Okay, fine." Kuina said as she layed back down. Sakura layed down on my bed and rested her head on my lap. "Why did we even do this?" She asked as she buried her face into my stomach. "Yes Kuina, why did we do this?" I asked. "I was in some weird mood, leave me alone." Kuina said as she buried her face into her pillow. "Do you have any hair ties?" Chishiya asked as he dropped the brush on my desk. "Yeah. In my desk drawer." I said. Chishiya opened the drawer and took out a black hair tie. He tied his grey-ish hair. "All right, I'm gonna take a shower and recover from all this." I said, pushing Sakura's head off my lap. I walked to my dresser, grabbed my clothes for today and went to the bathroom. I locked the door and dropped my clothes on the floor. I then undressed myself, threw my dirty clothes in the laundry basket and turned on the shower. The moment the shower was on the perfect temperature, I hopped under. The first thing I did was wash all the hairspray out of my hair. The water under my feet turned all red and blue. I washed my body. I tried to get that gross smell of weed of my body. I grabbed my tooth brush and the toothpaste. I put a small amount of toothpaste on my green colored tooth brush and brushed my teeth. Finally, the horrible taste of weed and cigarettes out of my mouth. After a 15 minute long shower, I turned it off. I dried my body and my hair. I put on my clothes and cleaned my fogged mirror. I turned of the light and opened my bathroom door. I stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door. I sat down in front of my mirror and looked for my brush. Then I remembered that Chishiya used it not so long ago. I stood up and grabbed my brush from my desk. I sat back down and brushed my hair while looking at myself in the mirror. I put my hair in a high ponytail, but left my front strands out. I put on some make-up. I then got up from my chair. "Are you two okay?" I asked, referring to Kuina and Sakura. Both of them nodded. "All right, then go get breakfast downstairs. Me and Yuna will be in the meeting room." Chishiya said, grabbing my hand and taking me to the meeting room. "Are you in a rush?" I asked him. "No, I just don't want to be in a room with two high, young adults." He said as he stopped walking. We were now standing in the empty, white room. "Calm down, they're fine." I said, resting my hand on his shoulder. I gave him a smile and he smiled back. He then leaned in for a kiss. I gave him a short, small kiss. "Let's go." I said softly. We both walked to the meeting room and sat in our places. "You smell like weed, Yuna." Ann whispered. "That's him." I whispered back, pointing at Chishiya. He looked at me, confused. "I'm the only one who showered in the 1 hour I was awake." I said. "Just shut up, you're already high enough." Ann said. "Enjoy your meal, everyone." Aguni said. I looked down at my plate. There were 2 waffles with blueberries and strawberries on it. It looked delicious. I grabbed my knife and fork and cut the waffles in pieces. I took a bite. It tasted great. But I noticed something was off. It was quiet. No one was talking. "Since when do we not talk?" I asked with a laugh. "Yes, Aguni. Could you explain why not?" Niragi asked. "I never liked all that talking, it was such a headache to me." Aguni said. "Weird, but okay." I said as I continued eating. Everyone looked at me. "What?" I asked with my mouth full of waffles. "Don't be so brutal, Yuna." Niragi said, sounding like my mom. "Oh shut up, alpha boy. Since when are you the leader here?" I asked him. Okay yes, I have to be honest. That was kind of arrogant. But he really acted like he controlled me. I honestly don't know what Sakura sees in him. "Yuna, drop the attitude." Mira said. "I'm just trying to have peaceful breakfast." I said. "But you don't have to be so rude." Kuzuryu said. "He was threatening me the other day and now I have to be nice to him?" I asked. "He didn't threaten you. Come on Yuna." Kuzuryu said. "I'm honestly not in the mood for this. But he did threaten me! He pointed his large gun at me. Are you telling me that's not threatening?" I asked. Nobody answered. "What makes you so angry, Yuna!" Aguni yelled. "Don't you see what's happening here?" I yelled back. He didn't answer, he just looked at me with an angry look on his face. "My dad just died and barely anyone has asked me how I'm doing! All you do is care about yourself!" I yelled back at him. I had tears in my eyes. Mira, Ann and Chishiya looked at me worried, but the others just stared like I was some psycho. 

I looked all around the room, just to see Sakura and Kuina standing by the door. 

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