y/n's crush?

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Y/n walks in the corridor when she meets jungkook again

"Oh hi again y/n shi"
"Oh hi jungkook *smiles*
"How was your first day?"
"It was good i made a new friend"said y/n slightly blushing
"U-uhm your red? Do you have a fever?"
"H-huh no! Maybe it's hot here y-yea"
"Hmm whatever who was the friend you made btw?"
"Oh his name is Kim Taehyung"
Jungkook's eyes darkened as he headed taehyung's name.Jungkook and taehyung are enemies from childhood
"Uhhh jungkook you ok?"
"Y-yea I'm fine let's go and eat our lunch"
*jungkook grabs y/n's hand and takes her to the cafeteria*

"What would u like I'll buy for u *bunny smiles*
"Hey it's fine i can buy for myself "
"Ahh aniii u like chocolate milk right Jimin hyung told me wait here"
"Ahh jungkook wait aishhh"
*Jungkook buys chocolate milk for y/n and for him*

"Ahh thanks jungkook! Your the best!*smiles*
"*Mumbles* cute"
"Huh did you say something?"
"H-huh no no i didn't"
"Hmm k"

*Taehyung and his frnds enter the cafeteria*
"Omg it's Kim Taehyung"
"Yea omg he's hot"
"Ik right i will definitely be his girlfriend"

*Many girls murmured abt taehyung when he entered the cafeteria*

"Ah- it's taehyung jungkook ah wait here"
"Ah hmm fine go fast and come"

*Y/n rushes to taehyung*
" Hii taehyung shii"
"Tch what do you want Park?"asked taehyung in an annoying tone
"Do u wanna have lunch with me later?"
"Lunch? With you *scoffs* no way park.
I rather have lunch with my dog than you said taehyung and went

*Tears were forming in y/n's eyes*
"He hates me that much huh don't worry i won't annoy you"

"Y/n!"called jungkook
"You ok what the fuck he said?!"
"Jungkook it's ok leave it maybe it's his personality or something "
"No y/n he doesn't know how to treat a girl what a guy let's go y/n"
"W-wait jungkook"
"Don't u mind can I call u kookie?"
Jungkook blushed "i-i yea! U can !"
"Yay then let's go kookie hehe *smiles and grabs his hands and went*

*Taehyung on the other side was regretting what he said to y/n*
"Was i told harsh on her?"
"Aishhh taehyung leave it maybe I'll apologize to her tomorrow"

"Ok kookie i gotta go home now oppa will also come now see ya tomorrow I'll text u bye bye kookie*smiles and runs always*

*While y/n was running she bumps into taehyung*
"Oh i-im sorry..oh-oh y/n?"
"I-i gotta go oppa will be waiting"
"Wait"*grabs her hand*
"Leave me taehyung!"
"Just listen to me for god sakes y/n I'm sorry!! I know what i did was very wrong pls talk with me"
*Y/n' s eyes soften while hearing him*
"Pls I'm sorry..."
"Taehyung.... it's ok....i-i understand you-"
"Don't say anything i know what i did was not right now we can be frnds again *boxy smiles*
"Hehe ok then we can hang out tomorrow?"
"Hmmm deal!"
"Yay then see ya tomorrow at the Han river bye tae tae *giggles and runs away*

*Taehyung blushed*

Jungkook and taehyung at the same time "what are you doing to me Park y/n your making me go crazy"

Both taehyung and jungkook likes y/n ?
Does y/n love taehyung?
Or jungkook?

End of Ep-2

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