I hate you jungkook

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(it's morning and y/n is getting ready for school)
"*Sigh* I'm coming jungkook...."
"Y/niee you ready?"

"Yea oppa let's go"

(Jimin and y/n went to school)

"K y/niee take care imma go to class byee"
"Hmm bye oppa!"
"Now where is he?"
(Y/n searches for Jungkook everywhere but he was not there)
"Is he on leave today"
"Aishh I'll call him"
(Y/n called jungkook but it said the number was not available)
"Huh this is his number what happens oh god.."
(Unfortunately it's time for class so y/n went)
(Y/n sits)
"Oh hey y/n"
"Oh hi tae.."
"You ok? U seem a..bit off today?"
"Anii it's nothing i didn't sleep well last night"
"Ahh waee what happened"
"I-i was just watching kdramas that's why.."
"Ahh i see"
(The teacher came)
"Good morning class pls sit down I'll take attendance now"
(The teacher called everyone's name expect Jungkook's)
"Oh everyone's present today expect for lisa she is sick"
(Then y/n gets up)
"Uhm mam.."
"Yes y/n?'
"You didn't call jungkook's name"
"Oh right i forgot to tell you guys unfortunately your friend Jungkook moved to Japan so..he won't be studying here anymore let's hope best for his future you can sit y/n.."
(Y/n sits with a shocked face)
(Y/n teared up and taehyung noticed it)
"Y/n....you ok?"
"H-huh yea just some dust went inside"
"Ok..be careful"

(That full day she couldn't focus on the class and was only thinking about Jungkook)
"Ok class that's it for today u can leave now"
(Everyone leaves expect for y/n she was sitting and staring at the window)
"Uhm y/n..we have to go.."said taehyung
(No response)
"Uhh earth to y/n"
"O-oh yea sorry i got a bit distracted"
"Hmm fine let's go!"

(Y/n by accident holds tae's hands)
*Blushes*i-i I'm sorry it was an accident!
"Aishh y/n it's ok u can hold my hand whenever you want I'm your close friend *boxy smiles"
"Heh thanks tae tae..."
"Uhm y/n I'm sorry today i have a family gathering i have to go soo..see ya tomorrow?
"Oh ofcourse no problem bye tae see ya tomorrow!"
"Ok bye"

(Y/n goes to the park where she and jungkook' s goes usually)
(She sits on the swing and closes her eyes)


"Woahhhh y/n this swing goes soo fast!!! Wooo!!!!"
"Yea kookie!!!"
"We will be like this forever right?!"
"Yea we will!!! And that's a promise!"
"Hehe yaaaa!!!"

(A drop of tear comes from her eyes)
"He really broke my promise and left me...."
"Tch such a betrayer i hate you Jeon Jungkook!" She said and cried

(Y/n then y/n to a soju shop)
"2 bottles of Soju"
(Then y/n drank too much and started blabbering)
"PfT JeOn jUnGkOoK i HaTe u!!!!! I lOvE oNlY mY tAeeeee"

"Oh my god she's park Jimin sister right someone call him and tell him to pick her up she drank too much"

(Jimin at Jin's house)

"Yahhhh don't call me short!!"
"Yea yea whatever shortie *windshield laugh"
"Aishh one sec I'm receiving a call"
"Umm is this park Jimin?"
"Yea it's me wat ya want"
"Uhh your sister is drunk to much pls come and pick her up she is at soju shop near the park"
"Oh my- I'm coming!"
"Yahh Jimin wat happened" asked taehyung
"It's nothing just y/n drank and they called to pick her up"
"I'll come too.."
"Ugh aishh fine come on"

(Jimin and tae reached there)
"YOu kNoW i loBeee mY tAeeeee sO sO mUcH"
"Yahh y/n your drunk"
"WHo's ThAt huh?!"
"Yah yah it's me your oppa"
"Ohhhh ShOrTiE..."
"Pfftt she hyung even she calls u shortie"
"Yah shut up"
"OPpA ..i'Ll tElL yOu A secret but....you should not tell to anyone promise...."
"Hmm promise"
"I love tae tae *giggles*
"Aishhh u drunk gurl don't blabber"
(Jimin carries y/n and puts her in the car while she slept)
"*Sigh* why did she drink silly girl."
"Wat did she told hyung"
"As usual wat drunk ppl says blabbered something she said she love some one names tae tae whatever let's go I'll drop u"
(Taehyung blushed soo hard bcz only y/n calls him tae tae)
"Taehyung ah come on"
"Y-yea hyung coming"

(Y/n in drunk tone)
"I Lobeee you tae tae...."said and the she slept again
(Taehyung heard everything and smiled)

"I love you too my cutie..."

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