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Angst ♡
Why is my tears wasted?-Sunoo

Sunoo's letter to Jay ♡

Dear Jay,

This is how it ends? Why are you like this? What did I ever do to you?I thought u love me but you don't I can clearly see in your eyes. You always act like the most sweetest person and the second your the most cruelest to me, why? Am I ugly? Am I not perfect? Oh... Right you love someone else not me....

You should have told me you don't like me then I wouldn't have tried to get your Love nor your attention..... Am I being dramatic? I don't know anymore.. I should have never came to you that night at the party. Then I wouldn't have been so heartbroken or being insulted. You could have insulted me in front of ur friends but you decide to insult me in front of the whole school. Why Jay? Am I worthless? Am I being annoying? Then I'm sorry.All this days you treated me badly I still loved you.. You are my first love and last love. I always cared for you and always admired you for your personality.i loved you more than anyone. I know I am an idiot.

Remember the first time we went on a date? Yeah I remember it you didn't pay that much attention to me.. I should have known that day that I wasn't meant to be yours.You should have told me.

I've always been alone no one tried to talk to me they always pushed me away thinking I'm a nuisance.i feel pathetic. I was always the outcast.not special in anyone's eyes nor in their heart. Until you and heeseung hyung came in my life.you told me I was the love of your life but you know what's the biggest mistake I made?falling in love with u and believing you.I realized it when I got in a relationship with u.I should have noticed heeseung hyung sooner the way he would come to my house to Comfort me whenever I get bullied at school or give me cuddles when I feel lonely. When I asked all of this things to do with you, you said you were busy. At first month of our relationship u said to look out for heeseung since he was a trouble. I should have never believed u. I should have took heeseung hyung in my life but I decided to be only be friends with him since I was in a relationship with u.it hard for me since he would understand me but you wouldn't understand me. Yeah heeseung hyung might be the schools bad boy and did multiple shit's to get in trouble he was still better at keeping company, giving me attention and giving me cuddles/hugs.i always wanted a happy life but I couldn't get it.

I had depression and anxiety. I would harm myself so many times u never noticed or cared for me. I wanted tell heeseung hyung about this but I thought I would be a bother to him so, I choose to keep it a secret it would be better for you and heeseung hyung.
I remember that night at the party...I Understood you don't want to be with me but you could break up with me and insult me in front of your friends but why the whole school?I was so sad.i tried to die earlier before the party.

Oh I forgot to tell you I have a heart condition.i learned it 1 week ago and I couldn't find a heart donor that's why I had 2 days left to live.i always wanted to die but after hearing my condition from the doctor I suddenly wanted to live. I want to say so much to you and heeseung hyung but I couldn't my last day was on that party night it means I have only one day left to live. I thought my last day with you would be great but I guessed all wrong.U didn't comfort instead made me heart broken and I ran to my house crying I couldn't take the pain it was so unbearable.Heeseung tried to ask me of I'm okay by giving me multiple messages and calls I didn't picked up the calls I didn't want to worry him.when he arrived in front of my house I composed myself and told him I was okay.he wasn't convinced that I was okay but a call from his dad made him to go back to his home.before going back to his home he said his gonna come here again the next day.But I packed my things up that and went to my old house so you guys won't find me. Im sorry to heeseung hyung and you for not telling you this earlier. This is my last day where I write this letter to you.

By the time you get this letter I am already gone.my body would be  taken to the hospital.So,that you and heeseung hyung can say goodbye to me for the last time this is my last wish to get good goodbye from you and heeseung hyung. I told my brother the wish he was saddened that I was going to leave him but nonetheless he said he would fulfill my wish since I'm his little Ddeonu.i don't really know if you and heeseung hyung going to say the last goodbye to me in front my dead body.If your wondering how I wrote this letter? I wrote it after I ran away from the party and to my house. I wanted to say goodbye to you and heeseung hyung that faithful night but I was afraid of doing this since you both are my favorite. I didn't want to bother you even in my last day.
By the end of the day I'm not anyone's special person.i would always be alone.So,I want another wish can I get some flowers from u and heeseung hyung? Can I? I thinking I'm asking too much.

But remember when you get this letter from my brother I'm already gone. I have one last thing to say 'I loved you and this is my goodbye.I hope you and heeseung hyung have a great life'.
"I love you also heeseung hyung!!"please Jongseong hyung tell that to Heeseung hyung for me Please?

Yours and heeseung hyung's favorite
Ddeonu Kim Sunoo♡,


End of Sunoo's letter to Jay♡

Third Person Pov:

Jay clutched the letter in his hand.He is angered by his own behavior how can he hurt his love after what Sunoo did for him.he feels angry by his own self.he wants to drown in the river and make himself suffer.Heeseung also read letter he was so angered by Jay's act towards Sunoo he wants to punch Jay until he bleeds but it was too late and he is too stunned and hurting by the fact that his love was dead.he doesn't have the energy to kill someone.the two are in front of sunoo's lifeless body.One thing they can do right now is to fulfill sunoo's wish and say goodbye to him forever.

Next day

Grey clouds,wind blowing,The atmosphere cold, it is this feeling of sadness, the sky roaring with thunder, Raining but not so heavily.The rain stopped just how the funeral ended. Everyone went to their home or to their significant other. The last two person to stay behind was Jongseong and Heeseung. There is their love's grave. So much to say, so much to express, so much talk and so much to hear.the two stood in front of the grave and said,

"Sunoo my love I'm sorry, I was selfish and pathetic.I should have never treated you like that.i am such a jerk.i should have never took the Dare and hurt u.i should have told the truth to u while you were okay.Its all my fault..I'm sorry.. I hope I can make things better for us in another universe.i won't betray you I will take all efforts to make u happy.i hope I can be the perfect partner for you in another universe let's stay together in their with you being happy, I love you Ddeonu"

"Sunoo my love. I have so things to say I didn't know you were hurt all this time I thought u were upset of the bulling you get at school or feel lonely. I'm sorry I wasn't always there.If you could tell me everything I could have helped you.Just like Jongseong said let's have a better life together in another universe where there won't be any betrayal Only happiness and love.I love you Ddeonu"

With a heavy heart they both left parting their Way's to their own home or should I say empty house?
One regretting for not taking care, betraying,Not thinking of sunoo's feeling and being a jerk.He regrets taking the dare seriously and hurting sunoo's feelings.He realized how he missed sunoo's presence when clearly he lost sunoo.

And the other regretting for not noticing sunoo's broken soul from the start even he was not his lover. But still sunoo was his love.He wished that he could have been there, comforting, taking care and cuddling sunoo. But now he misses sunoo's presence it's pretty late since sunoo is gone far away from him.

They both promises one thing to their significant other,
"no matter what happens we will always love you Ddeonu and we will have the most beautiful happy ending in another universe."

The End♡

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