The end of the story

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*6 years later*

6 years passed...Harry and Louis got married and so did Liam and Zayn and Niall and Annabelle...Dylan Luke was now 6 years old and he was smart boy...Zayn and Liam have twin girls and one boy...Niall just became father to baby boy...

"Dadaaaaaa, papaaaaa" Dylan yelled through whole house

"What is it baby boy?" Harry asked

"I am not baby anymore...And I want baby sister...Pwease?" Dylan said with little pouty smile

"Sweetheart...You will have to wait some time to get sibling...They don't live on trees" Harry said and laughed

"Actually, he won't need to wait" said Louis out of nowhere

"What do you mean love?" Harry asked Louis

"Come here papa" Louis said smirking

"Okay I know that smile...What is it???" Harry said as him and Louis came in their bedroom

"He will get sibling sooner than you said" Louis said

"What do you mean?" Harry asked

"Well...I went to doctor today...Since I can be pregnant only once more, and I am right now....I adopted little girl, and she is waiting papa in the car" Louis said smiling

"Are you kidding me?" Harry said crying

"No...Go and see yourself" Louis said

"OMG LOUIS I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCHHH!!!!" Harry said hugging Louis so tight and crying of happiness

"I love you to Hazza" Louis said smiling

"I love you to Hazza" Louis said smiling

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