New School Year

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Main Character:

Will be referred to as 'You' 'Y/N' and 'Reader'


Will be referred to with 'They' and 'Them'

(Is known as Y/C, T/N and your S/O)

!!! This is directed to audiences with Partners !!!

         It's the first day of a new school year, and you haven't seen your S/O in person for almost 4 months. And you both have been chatting online in the meantime. But, due to both of you being dry texters, you feel as if the conversations aren't as real as you would've hoped. I mean, you both have already said your "I love you's" And you've begun to talk about future plans and dates together. The only problem is that your relationship is only known by your S/O's parents so far. So you can't really do that quite yet. So, in all, you haven't had any luck seeing each other in person during the summer break.

    You roam the hallways of your school, searching for your new homeroom class. You cross your fingers behind your back and whisper a request. Only longing and hoping that you are in the same class as your partner. Even if it means only being in the same option classes. You bring your hands out from behind you, loosening the interwoven fingers. Then you begin to fidget nervously with your clothing. 'Ah,' You thought to yourself, 'Where in the world is Mr.___'s class again..' You let out a sigh, and in exasperation and drowsiness of waking so early, you lean on the wall right beside the back entrance to the gymnasium.

   You hear footsteps, and you notice there is something familiar about them. You look over your shoulder and peer into the corner, and right by the gymnasium doors, you see your S/O. In haste, you stand up from against the wall and collect yourself. It would be your first encounter after the summer break, well, first in person encounter. You see them frantically scroll through their phone, and knowing them, they tend to be a bit forgetful at times. 'They must be looking for their homeroom.' You smile to yourself, no matter how stupid the can be, they still look as perfect as ever. Perfect in your eyes. Suddenly, something hits you. You had previously promised them that you would mug them on the first day of school. And you intend to keep it. You stifle a laugh, 'This is going to be good.

(Mild GÜN warning)

   You press yourself against the cold, hard brick will, smirking and chuckling under your breath. You make your move. "Ah HAH!" You place your arm around his neck, using your other to form a gun-like figure with your hand. You press your hand-gun against the side of their head, in a low voice you say, "I'm mugging you." They let out a light laugh and began to smile. "Too bad, I'm broke." You lean your head against their shoulder as you wrap both your arms around them. They turn and hug you. "Too bad you didn't steal any money. You stole a hug." You grin to yourself, beaming with joy as if you had achieved the most wonderful thing in the world. And out of nowhere, that laugh that you had been pushing down, unleashed itself, and it came out uncontrollably. "Simp."

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