Emilian's Dream

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„Emilian, Emilian" my sister yelled from downstairs, i put the hat i worked on down and stood up. In the kitchen my sister clean the fridge: „why are you yelling, you know i can hear you, what's the matter Minou? „oh well" she turn around, „father want you that you help him out at the Café, i know you don't like it but he is not the young man like in the past, he need your help." i know my sister say it to make me feel calm but deep in the inside i hate the Café, my father buy it from a friend and now he have debts, trying to involve me in this case he say i should pay my duty on this, i tried to tell him that i am not interested in a cafe, where stranger's come only to spend time to get drunk, i hate it, i want tell him my dream to leave France and living a life in England, i took money to the side to make my dream come true, but i know my father would not accept my idea to leave him and my sister, since my mother died last year on a cold. My dream is to open up a hatter shop like my grandfather, he show me the work from the beginning till the end and i was fascinating, i like to wear hat's especially his, his hat's are unique not from this world, women and man from Germany and Italy visit his shop only to buy a hat from my grandfather, i helped him much out but father say it's not a responsible work for a young man, i should make priority's for my life to feed wife and children. I never thought of being married, but he say make sure of it, i sighed, i love my sister but father is a other topic, he was a very happy and friendly man to our friends my sister and me, but since mother died a dark aura go down on him, he lost his grin and he is always serious, he don't talk much with me, i know i look like her, that's why is hard to spend time with my father. My sister snapped me out of my mind: „Emilian please wake up what's wrong, you seemed that you passed out of mind are you alright brother"? Looking in her worried face i smile, „of course excuse me that i make you worried i only was thinking how to pass the day without a fight with father." now my sister looks more worried, „please don't try to give him a heart attack alright?" „i try but not a promise." i grab my jacket, my favorite hat and my walking stick. On the door i took a deep breath, hoping this day will end soon. I opened the door and make a step outside to smell the inner city of France. I throw the jacket over my shoulder and start walking towards the Café.

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