Baby Keith P1

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Lance's POV

"Pidge, you sure this gadget of yours is gonna work? It looks. . . Broken."

Lance was with pidge in her room helping her set up a. . . He didn't even know what to call it. 

"It's not broken it just looks like that cause it's from my scraps pile, plus it's my, I mean our only way to get back at Keith." 

Lance had to agree Pidge had a point. Just the day before Keith and Pidge bet on something stupid and of course Keith won. Pidge is still probably mad about that then she wouldn't have to get even with Keith.

"What do you mean 'Our'?"

"Everyone knows you and Keith fight and it's kind of obvious he beat you at something too."

I get irritated at what she said and begin to ponder every time Keith beat me at something.

"Whatever.", I grumble.


Half and Hour Later.


3rd person

Everyone is enjoying their break, even Keith. Keith is just in the lounge, laying down thinking about the past, present, and future. When Keith isn't busy training or going on missions he tends to ponder and zoom out of the environment he's in. He's so deep into his thoughts he doesn't notice Lance and Pidge enter.

Keith's POV

I wonder. . . .  I soon hear people whispering as if I couldn't hear. 

I stay down on the couch so whoever it is doesn't see me and starts up a conversation. I have to be honest but I'm horrible and being social. Even as a child I would suppress fear of being social into anger which led me to getting in trouble often.

"Keith, you in here?", I hear Pidge call out from the doorway.

I try not to breath loud but weirdly Lance knows I'm in here.

"Keith I know your in here. If your not in the training deck or your room then your in here thinking, I know, I spy on you."

I leap up and land on the floor on my bottom.

"You WHAT?", I shout.

"Told you he would be in here."

I curse under my breath by being tricked so easily, and by my rival, Lance.

"What do you want.", I ask as if I had little to no time at all when really, I had nothing to do.

" Nothing much, except a delivery.", Pidge says casually.

I see that Pidge has her hands behind her back as she and Lance walk over to where I'm still on the ground rubbing my back.

"F#ck off", I say quickly.

"B-but Pidge will be heartbroken if you don't help her test her new tool."

"If your so desperate to help Pidge why doesn't she test it on you?"

I think that would've stumped him but he answered as easily as he had asked.

"Because your probably the strongest on the team so you could probably get through some bruises", Pidge says like me getting hurt isn't a big deal.

"Fine, I'll help but first tell me what it's supposed to do. I'd like to know what happens after I get 'some bruises'", I say trying to imitate what they said.

"It's supposed to keep us invisible while enemy's are around."

It doesn't sound like it could hurt me. Could this be a trick? but why would she think of this now. I have so many questions but very little answers.

I don't know what I should do so I give in.

"Fine, zap me with your thing but be quick with it I have somewhere I have to be."

I wasn't lying. I had to get to the Blade so I could talk to Krolia and Kolivan.

"Thanks Keith!", she says a little to enthusiastically.

She points her garbage gun right at my chest and then 


Shiro's POV

Me, Coran, and Allura are busy making plans to attack the Galra when we hear a loud sound with loud crying to continue it.

The sound comes from the lounge so me Coran, and Allura run over their as the crying get louder by the tick.

"What the hell!", I yell at the top of my lungs.

When I enter I find a wailing baby on the floor with Pidge and Lance staring at it.

"What happened in here.", Allura asks Lance and Pidge

"Pidge WTF you were supposed to make him disappear for 24 hours not turn him to a baby!!!", I shout so she can him over the crying.

I start to make sense of what's happening. 

"So you two are saying that the baby crying it's head off on the floor is Keith?!?", I ask not sure to feel angry or sad that one of the paladins I was close to just turned to a baby. (ooooh, some Sheith I see).

Pidge nods her head in satisfaction.

"You see lance he didn't have to disappear I only did this so he could get out of the way.", Pidge explains like she's an expert.

I answer my question by myself.

I walk over to the still wailing baby on the floor. I pick him up and start rocking him in my arms while singing a lullaby to his face.

Keith does a happy coo of satisfaction.

"S-si-siro", Keith mumble from my arms.

Everyone awes at the Childs attempt to say my name.

"Say Shiro, Sh-i-ro. Shiro", I try to explain.

"Shiwo???". He tries once more.

Allura and Pidge squeal at the cuteness. Hunk is almost in tears. Lance is trying to hold back an awe while Coran is trying to remember the last time he something so cute.

My heart melts at his soft voice.

I sit down and so does everyone else. "Shiwo!", he coos happily. 

I put him on the couch next to me but he grabs ahold of my arm. "NWOOOOOOOO!!!", he shouts in my ear. "Ok, ok, I'll hold you", I try to reassure. He starts to get teary. "SHIWO!!!". I pick him up before he breaks my eardrum again.

I stand up and say, " Ok were gonna need to split up jobs for baby Keith", I say as I rock him in my arms. I lean my head down and we lock eyes. Keith reaches up and grabs my hair and pulls it down with full force. I wince, because for a baby, that hurt. I grab the piece of hair he's holding and take it back to my head before he pulls it out.

"Hungy!", he shouts as he tries to get my hair again.

"Pidge how long is he staying like this?" I question as I try to get my hair to go back as far as it can so he doesn't pluck my brain out.


We all wait for a response till she says,

"a few days?"


Hope you guys enjoyed part 1 of baby Keith. Suggest ideas for the other paladins. Please tell friends about my account, trying to reach 50 followers. TYSM!

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