Chapter 4

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The puppeteers/Jonathans POV:

Its been a few days since Helen got "randomly" put in a maid dress. We both seemed to have shoved it aside and forgotten about it, ( well tried to ) we don't really talk too much to each other, especially since then. sometimes a simple 'hey' or 'sup' but honestly other than that we haven't had a single conversation that wasn't cringy small talk.

I sat outside on a bench looking up to the cloudy sky. The trees swayed to the wind as moon came out from behind the horizon. It was getting dark so I stood up from the old wooden bench in the middle of the woods and walked back to so called slenders mansion. I shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked silently down a small path in the woods. soon enough I reached the front of the large house. I stared at it for a moment then walked in, The living room was pretty empty. lazari and sally played with toys and teddy's while masky and hoodie sat on a couch together watching the television.

I waved at hoodie and walked up the long
stairway that lead to the hallway with all rooms. I opened the door of mine and Helens room just to walk in and find.. helen drunk??
"helen? what the fuck are you doing?-" He looked woozy and dizzy, He stammered and mumbled inaudible words. I saw a few bottles and cans on the ground around his bed.
"I- *hiccup* have had like 2 cans of redbull?.. and 3 bottles of *hiccup* beer.. d-do you really think Im alright?!-"
I decided to just ignore him and whatever he was doing and just walk over to my bed. a few minutes go by, I was scrolling through my phone while Helen kept drinking who knows what. I know I probably shouldn't get involved with whatever he's doing.. I shouldn't even bother to care. Its not Like I have any sort of feeling towards him.

I heard Helen mumbling a few inaudible words then giggle a bit, he turned his head to me and spoke words I could finally understand.
"h-hey *hiccup* hey hot stuff~ d- do I know y-you?~"
He pointed at me then got up and stumbled over to my bed as if he where dizzy or something he bumped into the desk as he tried to get to my bed. I was confused as why he would call me 'hot stuff' he has never called me such words.. I blushed a bit when I heard it..
he came over and sat on directly my laps which surprised me- like alot- hes never showed interest for me... I sat my phone down beside me and looked at him confused.
"lets *hiccup* kiss baby~"
he moved his head closer and put his hand on my cheek wanting a kiss from me but I pushed him away.. I know hes drunk and I shouldn't take advantage of it..
"Helen you're drunk."
He stared at me in the eyes his gorgeous ocean blue eyes meeting my luminous yellow ones. he grabbed my beanie taking it off and placing it on himself, he smirked.

"noo- I-I am not!~"
he put his finger in the air. obviously he was actually drunk and I knew that.
"Okay whatever helen.. just leave me alone okay?."
I picked up my phone and kept scrolling through posts on social media and whatnot. He was obviously angry by the lack of attention he was earning . he crossed his arms while still sitting on my laps.. he snatched my phone out my hand and tossed it to the side.

all of a sudden he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. My eyes widened and I gasped, He twisted his tongue around mine.. I liked it. I really did.. I put my hands on his waist pulling him closer to me continuing to kiss him.
"mnh~ more.." he moaned,
I knew what I was doing was wrong but He excited me and I couldn't stop. His mouth tasted like beer I liked it. I wanted more..

Only 3 seconds later the door opened quickly.
"Yoo jonathan I wanted to know if-"
Jeff stared at at us. I gasped pulling away, saliva connected mine and helens lips. Jeff and I stared at each other. Helen stared only at me. Jeff was in obvious shock he slowly pulled up his phone quickly taking a picture.
I yelled at him but he slammed the door and ran out laughing. I sighed. everyone is now gonna think we're together or something.. and of course he won't remember this tomorrow so he'll be all confused on why everyone thinks-... Helen kept staring at me with a blank expression.

"Im thirsty jonathan.." he pushed me down onto my back laying on top of me.
"Ill go get you water if you get off.."
I said quietly to him while rolling my eyes. He nodded and got off. It seems like he quickly forgot everything that just happened. I walked out to go grab a water for him from the kitchen. While I was there I saw ben, Jeff, toby hoodie and masky whispering and giggling.. at me im assuming. Jeff had probably showed all of them the picture that he took of me and helen.. hell.. now everyones gonna think Im gay or something.. I mean-. I sighed and took the water upstairs. as I reopened the door I saw helen still sitting on my bed, he was drooling a bit which I found quite amusing. I walked over and gave him the water. he drank most of it. I sat down on his bed instead of mine since I didn't wanna bother him.

"Jonathan!~.. pleasee come lay with me!!"
He whined begging me to go sit with him. his eyes widened as he pleaded.
"uhm.. okay.. but Ill only lay next to you. nothing else."
I walked back over sitting next to him. he pulled me down cuddling into my chest.. I wish he wasn't drunk.. I wish he actually meant what he was doing..
"please cuddle with mee~!"
I sighed and nodded. I wrapped my hands around him pulling him close to me. I blushed at how small and petite he looked in my arms.. I wanted this moment to last forever..

Helen started to drift away into a deep sleep and eventually I did too.


I woke up to me cuddling with Helen?.. I realized what happened.. oh right. he was drunk yesterday.. I better get up before he does and starts to question everything that happened. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to his bed covering him with a blanket. I walked over to the bathroom and removed my clothes then turned on the shower on..

Helens/Bloodypainter POV:

My head throbbed as I sat up un effortlessly in my bed there where bottles and cans around my bed.. shoot.. I can't remember shit. was I drunk?.. oh no.. what if I did something stupid.. no. of course not. I would never do anything dumb.. would I? I sighed and sat there on my bed trying to remember..

3rd Person POV:

Helen sat awkwardly and quietly trying to remember what happened the day before. He heard the shower running and guessed it was probably Jonathan showering. a few minutes later The bathroom door opened and out came Jonathan with only a towel around his waist no shirt.. no anything.. His body and hair was still wet from just getting out of the shower. helen could help but stare and blush. He closed his eyes tightly and looked away cupping his bright red face in his hands
"I forgot my clothes."
Jonathan said as he grabbed dark clothes from some drawers and headed back into the bathroom to change. a few minutes later he came back out of the bathroom.. this time he was actually dressed..

Jonathan was about to leave until Helen spoke
"Uh.. wait! d-do you know what happened last night? I can't seem to remember anything.. " Helen rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
Jonathan stopped dead in his tracks as he remembered everything that happened the previous night. He blushed at the memories. "maybe its best you don't know for now.." Jonathan walked out leaving Helen quite confused. Helen decided to go back to sleep since he wasn't yet feeling the best.

Jonathan POV:

I walked out of the room not really wanting to talk about it since everything that happened still sorta confused to me too. I walked down the stairs, everyones eyes seemed to be on me. Jeff had obviously told everything to everyone. this isn't good..

"Yoo How do you manage to score so quickly!- tell me your secrets!~" Ben jumped in front of me asking me stupid questions.
"he was drunk you dipshit.. It isn't what it seems."
I pushed him out the way and walked to the kitchen. if Helen leaves that room it'll probably be worse for him.
ben followed behind me grinning widely.
I yelled at him because of how annoyed I got.
"damn okay.. it kinda seemed like to enjoyed it in the picture.." He said that last part quieter but I still heard it. he teleported away snickering with his hand over his mouth.

God damn. a bunch of people keep asking me about what happened yesterday. It's getting so annoying. I wanna slash all their throats out. after I finished eating breakfast I washed my plate and stormed out the house. Ill just hang out in the forest for now. I obviously have nothing better than being made fun of to do.

♡chapter 4 end.


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