Chapter 7

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(It has been 3 weeks since the event in last chapter)
Jonathan/The puppeteer POV:

It's been a while since me and Helen found out we knew each other before becoming creepypastas. I suppose we have been more comfortable with each other since then.. I guess we talk and hang out more, We've even gone on missions for slender together a few times as well. I enjoyed spending time with Helen. I'm not sure if this feeling is mutual tho. He doesn't seem to show emotions much.. Not to me, not to anyone.. Not that I show them any more than he does... Before I killed myself back when we still were friends, he was a ray of sunshine, I feel as if I ruined him. The thing is, I'm constantly trying to hide the fact that I have a huge growing crush on him I'm hoping it isn't as obvious as I think it is. If he were to find out about my secret id be dead.. more dead than I already am. but then again we shared that kiss together a while ago.. could it mean he likes me too?

That day 3 weeks ago.. we kissed. of course we both agreed not to bring it up again, we both agreed to forget about it. But honestly, I really haven't.. I think about it all the time and each time I do so, I get butterflies in my stomach. Every day I so ever want to kiss him again. I want to feel his lips on mine. I want to-..

ah-  maybe I'm getting quite a bit ahead of myself.. I know none of that Is ever gonna happen. But.. I will admit that It's very nice to imagine though..

Helens/ Bloodypainter POV:

I sat sketching on my bed.. on the opposite side sat Jonathan. He seemed to be very lost in thought, he laid with his arms behind his head and his feet up on the bed opposite of his head. I wonder what he's thinking about.. If only he was thinking of me the way I thought of him. I remember that day, that day we where both meant to forget.. how he called me "my love" and how he kissed me passionately. if only he meant that, but it was only a way to munipulate me into forgiving him. it worked. I wish that kiss he gave me 3 weeks ago meant something and wasnt just to make me feel better.. Of course I agreed to forget about it aswell as he did but I really haven't.. I feel like I think about it everyday. I want him to kiss me again.. I want him to touch me and make me his..
no- fuck- what the hell am I thinking?!? Jonathan doesn't like me. He's never shown any interest in me, now that I think about it he doesnt show interest for anybody.. I have no chance with someone like him..

I looked down to see what I was sketching in my stetchbook since I kinda went auto pilot while thinkin..


I covered my mouth quickly and slammed my sketchbook shut. Did I just scream out loud?!? shit! I don't remember drawing that!! Did I just draw that unconsciously?!?-
"Helen?- are you okay?"
Jonathan looked over at me confused at why I just yelled and shut my sketchbook so suddenly.
"ah-well- you see!- I just!-.. I saw a spider!"
I struggled to make up a believable lie.. What happened was that I had just drawing Jonathan.. Not just Jonathan. Me.. Me and Jonathan.. kissing..  But I don't remember drawing that!!

3rd person POV:

"mm are you sure? Is it in your sketchbook?"
Jonathan stood up and walked over to Helen picking up his sketchbook and examining it
"ah- well- Actually! The spider ran off! I- can I get that back?!-" Helen also stood up from his bed trying to take the sketchbook from the hands of the other. Jonathan looked through the sketchbook inspecting it and flipping through the pages.

"wow.. you're a very good artist Helen!"

he stopped and looked at the amazing drawings helen made. He smiled lightly at the shorter boy infront of him, subconsiocly he knew helen hid something from him, tho he didnt know what. he wanted to act innocent to find out what this was. he wanted to know what Helen had in his sketchbook.

"hah- uhm!- thanks!-" Helen responded nervously, he rubbed the back of his neck making it obvious to Jonathen that he was indeed hiding something.
Jonathan stopped to look at a drawing. what he didn't know that if he flipped the page once more he'd see the chibi drawing Helen had drawn a minute before.

Jonathan flipped the page. Jonathans yellow glowing eyes widened at the sight, he didnt know what to make of it. did this mean helen liked him back or was this mearly a joke?

"AH- UHM-"
Helen snatched the book and slammed it shut. 'did I just see what I think I saw..' millions of thoughts ran through Jonathan's head. He stood still in shock. He wondered if that meant that Helen's feelings were the same as his, deep down half of him wished that Helen yelled out to him 'I love you Jonathan!' but those words wernt spoken and so he kept this dreadfull feeling stored away.

"I- um-.."
Jonathan struggled to find the right words to say. He blushed madly but tried calming down. He struggeled to find a solution for this situation, he couldn't figure out what to do and what to say.

Helen wondered If now was the time to tell Jonathan what he fealt for him, but out of embarasment he couldnt find the courage in him to speak his mind. Helen visably blushed and it was very obvious to Jonathan.

Joathan turned and walked closer to Helen. Helen quickly looked down, away from the glowing eyes of the taller male. Helen fiddled with his fingers awkwardly. Jonathan Pushed up the chin of Helen making him look up and directly face him. Jonathan saw how Helens face grew hotter and redder. Jonathan Smirked at this, He tied his arms around Helens waist pulling him to his own chest. Jonathan put his mouth near Helens ear,
"you have blood on your cheek Helen"
Jonathan moved back while smirking at Helen.
"I- I do?!"
Helen tried wipe his cheeks
"Here Ill get it!"
Jonathan said.
"ah.. thanks?"
Jonathan Licked The blood off of Helens cheek, Helen Gasped at this and his face blushed more than it already was. Helen felt as if he was gonna explode, was he only messing with him?
"I- Uh!-"
Helen tried to say something but couldn't get anything out of his mouth.
"Helen just so you know I.. I really like you"
he sighed
"I understand if you don't like me back, I just wanted to to know"
Jonathan Let go of Helens waist and backed up a bit. There was silence for a couple seconds. Jonathan turned away, walking off about to leave
"wait! I- I like you too Jonathan.."
Jonathan stoped and turned back around. He walked back to Helen and smiled, Jonathan wrapped his arms around Helen hugging him tightly.

"does this mean that we're.. ya know? together?"
Helen blushed stuffing his head into Jonathans chest.
"only if you want to be"
Jonathan chuckled at Helens silly little question.
Helen stood up on his toes and gave Jonathan a small peck on his lips.
"does that answer your question?"
"of course it does"
Jonathan chuckled and continued speaking
"lets just keep this secret from everyone else okay? Im not sure what they would think about us.. you know? being together?"
Helen nodded

The two spent the rest of the day watching movies and hanging out. The stress they both had was gone. They could express their feelings to one another without feeling embarrassed.

They sat closely to each other on Jonathans bed, Helen cuddled up against Jonathan. Jonathan had wrapped his arm around him and pulled him closer. Jonathan chuckled seeing Helen blush.

"I love you Helen"

"I love you too idiot"

♡chapter 7 end


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