Chapter 21

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Levi was already up when you woke up, not that it ever was unusual for him to be up so early. But you were sure he was sound asleep when you got up before daybreak to breastfeed the baby. You wondered if a bad dream had woken him up and he decided not to go back to sleep afterwards.

But one thing is almost certain, at a glance you could tell that something is bothering Levi. Whether it was the bad dream he might have had or something else, you have no idea.

"Levi," you called after breakfast, when you two are in the living room, the baby in his crib. "Are you alright?"

It was a simple question, but it never was as simple as those three words. Levi didn't say anything for a moment and your hand found his. Your palm was not that soft, from years of wielding swords as a soldier, the skin had hardened.

And they say a woman should keep her palms smooth for the comfort of her husband, but you were never one to follow those kinds of rules set by the patriarchal society. Levi told you those hardened skins were proof of your hard work as a cadet, a soldier, a squad leader.

"I'm your wife and you're my husband," you said in a light tone of voice that's almost no more than above a whisper. Levi rubbed your knuckles with his thumb as you looked down. "We share each other's secrets to lighten each other's burdens."

He held your hand tighter and he parted his lips. Levi was about to speak when the door suddenly opened and Hange, Mike and Erwin came in.

"Good morn– oh are we interrupting something?" Hange asked, looking between you and Levi while Mike visibly sniffed before smirking.

"Seems like it," he said, still having the smirk lingering on his lips.

"Levi," Erwin said, walking in front of the two as he looked at you. "Y/n," he acknowledged before looking back at Levi. "I need to talk to you, Levi."

You were the first one to let go of his hand as you stood up. But you haven't taken a step when Levi held your wrist, making you stop before he stood up as well.

"We'll talk later," he said, his voice low, intending only for you to hear. "When it's just the two of us."

You suddenly felt his forefinger pressing on your wrist and you lowered your other hand to hold his hand, looking down for a second before you lifted your head to look at Levi.

"It's no longer just the two of us," you said in the same low voice before you glanced to the side where the crib is, with Hange and Mike hovering above it looking at the baby. "It's the three of us now."

You gave Levi a smile before his hold loosened around your wrist and you walked past him, towards Hange and Mike as you took the baby who clutched the collar of your dress with his tiny hand. While you talked to Hange and Mike about Lucas, Levi and Erwin headed upstairs.

You glanced at their backs before they disappeared and you turned to Hange who asked if she could hold the baby.

"Oh sure," you said. "Careful now, put your arm here."

You instructed Hange on how to properly hold a baby to which she learned right away. Lucas stared at the new face, it was as though he's memorizing Hange's features. He didn't cry or squirm, as if he knew that she's your trusted comrade and friend.

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