Chapter 28

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It's been a few days since the family outing, since Erwin lifted Levi's suspension and gave him new orders to form an elite squadron with the cadets handpicked by Levi himself. Knowing the fact that Levi will become busier now, you took it as a chance to go on an outing, which you had never done before.

The best thing that you probably got out of that outing, aside from the memories, was the painting you had gotten for free.

"You've been looking at it for days," Levi said that morning while he was cleaning the living room and you were standing in front of the painting hanging on the wall.

The painting of the sun setting behind the horizon surrounded by a body of water. The painter, a kind old man, named it Freedom.

"I was just thinking about where to put it." You tilted your head slightly, your finger under your chin.

"You've put in five different parts of this house yesterday."

"This prepossessing painting should be put in the best part of the house."

You wanted it to be seen by guests, so you decided on putting it in the living room where it would be seen first by the people who walk inside the house. But at the same time you wanted to keep it to yourself, where only you and Levi can see, so you tried putting it in the bedroom.

And while thinking of where to put it, you started to get drawn by the enchanting painting once again. The thought you had when you first saw it.

"Where have I seen this again?" you whispered to yourself.

Until you heard the knock on the door and you flinched in surprise. You turned around and saw Levi in his cleaning outfit which consisted of a cloth around his head, cleaning stuff in both hands and an apron around his waist.

"I'll go get it," you said, hiding the laughter by clearing your throat and Levi scowled. "You look good by the way."

"Just wait till I finish cleaning this whole damn house."

You waved your hand as you proceeded to the front door and opened it. A young delivery boy greeted you and in his hand he held a painting wrapped in brown paper.

"This is for Madame Y/n Smith," he said with a bright smile, his freckled face glowing, which also made you smile as well just to return the kind gesture.

"Thank you."

"I've seen the portrait, but you look prettier in person, Madame," he said, handing you the painting before bowing his head after taking his hat off.

"Oh you flatter me."

You expected to see an even brighter smile but when the boy straightened up, he flinched and his shoulders tensed up, holding his hat tightly in his hands and the smile now gone and in return he has a terrified expression on his face. You were confused for a second until you realized the boy was looking past you and you didn't have to look behind to know that Levi is glaring.

"Please don't mind my husband," you said, chuckling a bit as the boy averted his scared gaze back to you.

"Is–is he perhaps mad at me, Madame?" the boy asked in a terrified whisper.

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