Chapter Four

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"Babe, can you just explain what you're talking about?" As Hoseok listened to his spouse on the other end of the phone, he became more perplexed. "What? Are you kidding me? I am not flirting with anybody."

"What? That is not the case at all. I was only thanking him- Fine, we can discuss this when I return."

After hanging up the phone, Hoseok felt very aggravated and furious with Jungkook. When he turned around, he saw Jungkook grinning and smiling back at him from across the room.

He stormed across the room to Jungkook and demanded to know, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you tell Yoongi that I am here flirting with another guy?"

Jungkook stared at him with a raised eyebrow, "what personal matter are you whining about now?"

"Jungkook, honestly, you need to clean up your act. If you believe you will be able to disrupt my marriage with your brother, you can forget about it. I swear, there are moments when working with you makes me want to resign!"

"If that's the case, why don't you resign?"

"And make you happy, not happening!"

"There is nothing you can do to make me happy; you are not that important. Before you go to bed, I need a copy of the report we discussed earlier. What occurred in today's meeting should not occur again. You were unprepared and a disgrace to my company's reputation. Due to your recent lack of contribution, you should be thankful that you have not been fired." As he walked away, Jungkook did not offer Hoseok an opportunity to answer.

As someone who had been there for everything, Jimin felt terrible when he saw tears in Hoseok's eyes. Instantaneously, he made his way over to his side.

"Hey, I want to apologize. I don't believe any of it was intended to come out of his mouth. It is my responsibility that I did not thoroughly review all of the documents before providing them to him."

The tears were wiped away from Hoseok's eyes as he shook his head and said, "no, it's not your fault. I will take responsibility for what I did wrong today, but that man is such an asshole! I can't wait to go out on parental leave. Let's see what he will do then!"

"You are pregnant?"

"Yes, but please don't say anything. Yoongi wants to communicate it to him."

"Wow, well, congratulations, and my lips are sealed. Anyway, I have to go. I hope to see you at dinner later-"

"Wait, thank you, but before you go. Umm, can you look into getting him a dog?"


"Listen, I've given it some consideration, and here's what I came up with: maybe if he has someone to keep him busy, he won't bother us as much. Several animal shelters allow for adoption, and I can recommend the one Yoongi, and I got our dogs from.

Get him a puppy, and whatever it is that he is obsessed with in relation to that other person, just leave him be. I can't recall ever seeing him with anyone before; maybe it's time for him to start dating. I don't care. This will prevent his mother from placing additional pressure on finding him a partner on my husband.

Who knows, maybe you'll even get excused from work on the weekends. He should be allowed to pursue anyone he chooses. I have had enough of him and his obnoxious ways in this world. Just hand him off to someone else to deal with. I swear he has the mentality of a child trapped within an adult's body."

Jimin reflected over what Hoseok had said before he grinned and said, "you got it, I will get started on it; text me the shelter's name. Before we return to Seoul, I will be able to locate a dog for him."

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