Chapter 1

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Bennet felt the breeze blow the hair around across his forehead. He usually didn't dare go up onto the windmill of the fear of falling off, but today was different. Today he had just gotten a long awaited package in the mail. For the preschoolers and disabled of Mondstat, harnessed were invented to prevent accidents relating windmill jobs and gliding. It had taken so long to arrive because Bennett had sent in a special request to the sweet old lady that hand sewed them, he needed a harness that was sewn into a long sturdy rope. The lady was curious to his reasons, but as many times before, Bennett knew it was hard to explain bad luck as a factor of disabilities. See, he needed the rope extra long so that he could wrap it around the entire top of the windmill. Just wrapping it around the ladder or border around the platform could break a piece of the structure if he fell. And the entire windmill was much less likely to come crashing down just because of his bad luck.

Bennett was brave, but not completely mindless. He was fully aware of his bad luck and how much damage it could do. He had been struck by lightning five times in his lifetime. He wondered if that was some sort of record. Anyhow, that was the reason he was backed up all the way against the wall of the windmill. He gulped and took a step forward. Bennett didn't understand how people like his peer Fishl could deal with such heights without being terrified of falling. He backed away again. Deciding not to test his fate, Bennett walked back down the stairs. Someone poked his shoulder and he spun around. A squirming member of the adventure's guild was shaking as she handed the boy a piece of parchment. Bennett beamed in excitement. The adventurer avoided eye contact with him.

"What's this Nellie?"

Nellie was trying to make a sneaky escape up the stairs when Bennett pushed the parchment right in front of her face.

"Ugh, How do you know my name?"

Bennett's grin didn't break for a second.

"You don't remember? Well I guess we did both get hit pretty hard in the head by those falling coconuts."

"Eh? There aren't any local coconut trees in Mondstat."

Bennet continued. "We were put on that commission together a few months ago, the one where we were collecting data on the streets of the city for a survey about people's favorite restaurants and downtown activities."

"Then how did we get hit on the head with coconuts?"

"Well.." Bennett scratched the back of his neck.

"I wasn't really paying attention and a runaway food cart came flying down the street. I was able to stop it in time, but then, I tripped and all the fruits in the cart flew up into the air as it fell. You got hit with a coconut, and I got hit with a few watermelons."

Nellie scoffed. "I remember now. After that I was rushed to the shade as random people mindfully checked if I had a concussion. The entire time I was thinking, 'How did I possibly get worse luck than the little freak?"

Bennett's shoulders slumped. "Yeah I'm really sorry about that. I shouldn't have been so distracted and careless, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"Shut up. I don't want your stupid excuses. I didn't come here to chit chat, and certainly not with you. I came to deliver this message from Katheryne."

The bright boy smiled forcefully. "Wow, I hope it's a new cool commission! Katheryne barely ever sends me mail!"

Nellie sneered menacingly. "I hope it's not. Who knows who else you could get electrocuted or drowned or burnt to a crisp with your freakish condition."

"Maybe nobody will come with me this time."

"Whatever. I'm only delivering this because Katheryne said after this I'll be able to accompany my twin brother on a new big commission that starts tomorrow. A lot of adventurers are going, so I bet it is a high paying job if you know what I mean."

Bennett folded the corner of the parchment back and forth.

"I didn't know you had a brother. How long has he been in the adventurer's guild."

"Why would you of all people know I have a brother? His name is Nelson and he's only been in the guild for a week or so, but he's done pro adventuring before and gotten lots of treasure with a group of his."

"Nelson huh? I guess you parents weren't very creative with naming? Ya know, my dads told me my mom was going to name me Betty if I was a girl. Isn't that cool?"

"No. Goodbye benny, it was anything but nice seeing you again, and I've got to go pack for tomorrow."

Nellie shoved pass him on the stairs and stomped down.

"Hey my name is Bennett actual- ly."

Nellie was gone. The young adventurer sat down of the creaky wooden stairs and stared at the parchment. He slowly peeled off the wax and unfolded the paper, careful not to damage it. It looked to be quickly written, as if a copy of another letter. The paragraph was brief and strait forward.

'Dear Adventurer,
You've been requested to a special commission by LISA, KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS. Your job is to go investigate strange sightings of electro activity in Wolvendon out of the concern that one of the librarian's students might have gotten into trouble. You shall find the the source of the electro activity, fix the problem, and report back once finished.

Ad Astra Aspera

How odd, Bennett thought. He wondered why a knight of favonius needed a commission from the adventurer's guild. Well, Lisa was the librarian, so she must be awfully busy. But why wasn't their any name mentioned for her student? And why did the letter address Bennett as just an adventurer and not his full name. It didn't really matter though, He finally had something exciting to do. Just as Bennett started to walk down the stairs he tripped on the harness rope and tumbled down the stairs.

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