Chapter 1: New World

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Kakashi gasped as he woke up. With quickened, panic breaths he spun around rapidly, trying to see exactly where he was.

"Rin..." he muttered in realization. "Rin! Rin, where are you!" He called out getting fully to his feet. He was in some sort of alleyway, barely lit up by the falling sun. He heard no voice return his call but he found a person he recognized.

The person who killed Obito. Him. Kakashi shuttered in barely restrained anger, taking a step forward with dark eyes. He didn't realized there was a puddle under him until he stepped in it which alerted the Jounin and caused him to turn around.

The man was not smirking like he always was. He looked confused. "So, you are alive kid."

Kakashi was barely listening and broke out into a full sprint, crashing into the man's chest and sending them both tumbling out of the alleyway and onto a main road. Onlookers were surprised by the noise, but had yet to see the cause of it, only dust that already seemed to start disappearing.

"What's going on?"

"Is a hero fighting someone?"

"I didn't see a villain running through here."

It was neither a villain nor a hero that were the cause of the panic. As the smoke cleared away it was as clear as day that the cause of it was some man and child dressed in strange clothing with... swords.

The boy was atop the man, putting all his weight on the blade that the man under him was forced to block.  Kakashi was straining his muscles so hard that he was beginning to get a headache.

The Jounin grimaced hard, fighting against him and gravity and losing. It seemed he was weaker than he was beforehand. That only made the job better for Kakashi.

"A-A kid?"

"What's going on? What are they doing?"

"Someone call the police or something!"

Kakashi paid the extra noise no mind as his blade inched even closer to the Jounin. Just a bit more. A bit more until he could put this man to death.

Suddenly, something wrapped around his shoulders, arms, and abdomen and dragged him off before he could move. Someone had snuck up on him without him noticing. He craned his neck and followed the weapon to its owner. A man dressed in all black, his eyes glowing red and his hair waving in the air. Kakashi wouldn't be deterred though, he wouldn't let his target escape him while he was weak.

The scarf barely strained under the weight of his hand before lightning passed through it, going straight at the owner of the weapon. The man's eyes had widened before the lighting struck him, electrocuting him. He froze and stuttered violently as Kakashi felt the material around him slacken. Like the ninja he was he slipped through the material and hit the pavement below, focusing his aim back onto that man.

The Iwa Jounin chuckled, whipping away blood of his lips. "You really are different, brat. But let's end this." He grinned, aiming the blades tucked in his forearm at the white-haired boy.

Kakashi was more than happy to do so. He crouched low and a couple of hand seals later, lightning sparked in his hand violently. His hand spasmed, nearly unable to keep his chakra in control. His Chidori had never been this strong before.

In an instant, Kakashi was rearing his arm back as Kakkō elbows shot up to have his blades cut the smaller ninja. They had rushed at each other so quickly that the ground beneath them erupted and debris from the street shot into the air. Buildings around them could barely stand the pressure as the glass in then exploded outward at the power right before they clashed.

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