Chapter 12: Disaster in Hosu

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Kakashi would have never thought this world was as dangerous as this. Sure, he's heard of the occasional villains but most of the time he hasn't even heard of anything gruesome happening, well, other than that serial killer. But there's much more to this world than first meets the eye. He's learned that.

Walking through the underground and looking at every face that passes him tells him that they have killed before. They don't look as skilled as him so he isn't worried but he does admit that they have a killing edge Shinobi would praise. Still, in his world one needed more than that. Actual skill was more important, to him at the very least.

Silently, he flicks the top of the hood of his cloak up. He needs to be able to see better and with a single eye even more so. Sure, he could still fight but he wasn't fully used to seeing one eye, and having it half covered up would do him no favors. He looks back up to see Edgeshot glances back at him, probably having heard the small, quick movement. Kakashi nods and he turns away, going back to leading him through the crowd.

It's not long until the reached what seemed to be some sort of metal cage. A large, rowdy crowd surrounded it, bumping into each other as they cheered and jeered. With a bit of concentration, Kakashi could see through the crowd and saw two men using their quirks to what looked to be like they were trying to kill each other. Each were going for obvious vital spots. It wasn't the worst thing they could do if they were fast enough to actually do so. Which they weren't. They were painfully slow. But they had interesting powers. He stops to watch and Edgeshot stops a second afterwards and looks at him. Then he turns his attention to the cage.

"Fights like these are quite often. The people here bet money on the fighter they think will win and others called sponsors collect that money for their fighter for whoever wins."

The man who had drills for hands smashed them into the other man's side and sent him flying to the other side of the gate. The man ran forward, screeching like an idiot, and tried to drive his drills into the other man. He dodged but not completely and was caught in his leg. A ripping sound that frightened the crowd and ripped through the air and the sound of the man's scream pierces through the disgusted crowd.

Kakashi doesn't blink as blood rains down.

"Quite dangerous. If these sponsors get paid for their fighters, why put them in a death match at all? Or are their only death matches?"

"There are matches of all types. Death matches are quite rare, honestly. But they make the most money of any match, so to them it's worth it."

'I don't get it. Well, there's a lot in this world I don't get. I shouldn't be surprised.'

Kakashi had seen enough when his foot was dangling from the rest of his leg and turns, walking away. Edgeshot hears another scream of pain as he turns around and follows after Kakashi.

"How many times have you been here to gather information?"

"A couple of times. I haven't had much time to actually get a raid going on this place. I'll put in a word soon, however. As you saw, people die here."

"They signed up for it though. I'm sure they knew the risk."

"That isn't the issue. It's the law. Laws are rules that are made to keep peace. Without that the world will go into chaos."

Kakashi remembers the rules he followed so religiously. He could remember every rule of the Shinobi. He's already broken a few. He knows that Todoroki has information about the Leaf Village. He doesn't know how much, but he does know that he gets more and more memories as time goes on. Todoroki said as much back at the hospital.

'It wouldn't be right to kill him. Obito wouldn't like it.'

He isn't even sure if he would. Todoroki might have gotten in his personal business, but killing him was just something he wasn't sure about. Todoroki could leak information about the Leaf to others. He was a safety risk. In the handbook, any hazard to the village was to be swiftly eliminated. But that wasn't what he wanted to do.

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