They/You ask them out

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Tony Stark

Tony asked you out a week after he had met you

"Hey, Mr Stark thank you for coming." Y/n smiled cheerfully.
"Pleasure to be here honey." He smirked.
Honey? Y/n thought to herself.
"So i was thinking..." Tony started grabbing y/ns hand and dragging her into a large outside area. "Would you like to maybe go out with me sometime?" Tony said nervously. Her face broke out in a smile, "I would love to Tony."

Clint Barton

You asked Clint out a month after your first meeting.

Clint was currently teaching you how to shoot an arrow of course his method of teaching you was to stand in front of a tree and trust that you wouldnt hit him.
"Oh my god Clint i am so sorry i didnt mean to hit you!" You exclaimed running towards Clint. "Its...its all good one question?" Clint stuttered in pain. "How did you hit my leg i said aim above my head!" He groaned loudly. "I am so sorry...this may be a bad time to ask but.....will you go out on a date with me?" Y/n asked as she carried Clint to her cabin. He chuckled softly responding, "yes y/n Romanoff yes i will."
"Great now i dont need to let you bleed out." Y/n grinned grabbing the first aid kit mean while Clints face dropped in shock.

Thor Odinson

Thor asked you out three months after he first met you.

"Ah Lady Jane my good friend!" Thor boomed wrapping Jane in a bone crushing hug. "Where is lady y/n?" He asked letting her go.
"She.....shes in the kitchen." Jane gasped for breath.
"Fantastical!" Thor walked towards the kitchen.
"Ah lady y/n, i must asked you something!"
"Thor for the last time just call me y/n." She giggled at the gods choice of wording.
"Ah ok then y/n would you do me the honour of allowing me to court you?"
"Court me?"
"Yes, what is it you Misgardian's say..................Yes allow me to take you on a Misgardian date." He finished seemingly proud of himself.
"I guess i can allow that."

Bruce Banner

You and Bruce got together a year after your first meeting

"Y/n, back again so soon!" Tony asked embrrassing his sister in a hug.
"Did you just miss me that much sis?" Tony smugly asked knowing exactly why she was back.
"Yep I missed you Tones." She mumbled looking over his shoulder with a soft smile as Bruce passed by the pair.
"Sure sis, definitely not back for a certain angry green bean." He rolled his eyes. "Science bro, come here!" Tony called wrapping his left arm around y/n and his right around Bruce.
"What do you need tony?"
"Hey Bruce."
"Hey y/n."
Tony suddenly stopped yanking the pair back with him. "Thats it y/n you like bruce, bruce you like y/n, i give you my blessing to date. Y/n your moving into the tower."
Tony then walked away to leave the pair to stand awkwardly together.

Steve Rogers

Steve asked you out three months after your first meeting.

"Ah if it isnt my favourite customer." Y/n laughed as Steve wheeled his bike into the shop once again. "Whats that every week for three months?" She took the bike from the Captain taking it to the back.
"Yeah but this time Sam filled it with the wrong fuel and Tony super glued pink glitter to it." Steve sighed as y/n giggled looking at the glittery bike. "So y/n I was wondering?" Steve asked nervously the girl who was tinkering with his bike. "Shoot."
"Would you um....maybe want to go on with me?"
"Fuck!" Y/n shouted as she hit her head.
"I just an engineer Steve and....well your Captain fricken America, why would you want me."
"Y/n" Steve grabbed her hands, "You are the best engineer i have ever met why do you think im here every week?"
"Ill...ah...go on a date with you Steve."

Natasha Romanoff

Natasha asked you out four months after your first meeting.

Y/n was in the training rooms when her crush and partner Black Widow walked in. "Youve been here all week come out with me." Natasha pleaded
"Cant." Y/n punched the red stained punching bag infront of her. "Your hands are bleeding please at least let me help you with that."
"Is The great Black Widow begging." Y/n pouted playfully to Nat who rolled her eyes grabbing the h/c girls hands dragging her out of the room and towards the first aid kit. "I like you!" Y/n blurted out her face going beet red. "I like you two." Nat gently kissed the tip of her nose. "How about that date now?" She asked one eyebrow raised at y/n who only nodded.

Loki Friggason

Loki asked you out two years after your first meeting.

"Its been two years since we first got married loki." Y/n rolled onto her side looking at her husband smiling. "It has hasnt it love." Loki cooed sweetly. "So i was thinking darling..." Y/n sat up looking at Loki, "Would you like to go on a Misgardian date with me?" Loki shyly smiled at his wife. "Um love in case you forgot we're married."
"I know i know i just i wanted to do this the right way not arranged."
"Yes I will but um whats a date?"

James Barnes

Bucky asked you out a month after your first meeting.

"So I've lost the title of your favourite Wakandian." Shuri stated walking beside Bucky towards the lab. "You know you should ask her out." He abruptly skidded to a stop. "I don't think she likes me like that."
"She definitely does." Shuri yelled skipping upto the lab doors.
"Fuck!" The pair immediately heard being yelled out as the doors opened. "You ok loser?"
"Oh shut up dork!" Y/n appeared from around the corner.
"Holy shit doll your bleeding!" Bucky panicked running up to her as Shuri went to get the first aid kit.
"This is serious doll." He scowled at y/n who sat red faced giggling.
"Im sorry Buck, its just so cute when you call me Doll i cant help it."
"I have a concussion!" She slurred before turning and throwing up in a near by trash can. "You know I like you Bucky!" She yelled rapping him in a hug just as Shuri walked in first aid kit in hand. "See." Was all she said before grabbing y/n.

I week later

"Hey y/n can i talk to you." Bucky asked walking into y/n's room where she had been told to stay by....everyone. "Sure not like I can do anything else." She rolled her eyes stubbornly.
"So I was thinking maybe wanted to only of course we could possibly umm...well."
"Wow this must be serious if the great White Wolf is stuttering his ass off." She giggled cutting him off.
"Be mine!" He yelled out of the blue.
"I like you doll I get if you dont like me but mmph!" He was cut off by the feeling of y/ns soft lips on his.
"Ill take that as a yes then." He smirked.
"Yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night Babe."

Sam Wilson

Y/n was in the kitchen dancing around making pancakes when Sam walked in. "Hey y/n." He greeted but got no reply from the girl. "Y/n?" Finally he noticed the air pods in her ears preventing her from hearing him. Suddenly an idea hit Sam quickly he scrambled around finding his phone and recording something sending it to y/n. Ding y/n heard through her music she had gotten a voice message from
'Sam my crushhhhh❤' playing it she heard three words ring in her ears,
"I like you."
"Wait what!?!?"
"I like you alot." Sam replied to her question taking out her air pods from behind.
"Really truly"
"Yes sweetheart I like like you."
"What are you saying yes to?" Sam chuckled at the girls behaviour.
"The date you were about to ask me on duh."

Scott Lang

You asked Scott out three months after your first meeting.

"Scott?" Y/n walked up to the brown haired ant.
"Omg...your talking to be cool Scott whats up y/n."
"Will you go on a date with me?" She asked giggling.
" date with you?"
"Yes Scott thats what i asked."
"OH MY FUCKING GOD......YES YES YES YES!!!!!!" Scott cheered, "I mean phf sure."
"Pick me up at 8 tomorrow."
"Yes ma'am." He replied causing y/n to roll her eyes playfully.

Thats the first part of the asking out!!!!! What do you think? Reading over these it seems alot of them are like the reader hurt or something. Please comment and vote!!!!  Love yous!!!!<3


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