his car

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y/n pov

it was 5 minutes until the bell rings and my dad texted me

start of text 


y/n:yeah dad

dad:i'm gonna be late to practice could you catch a ride with jaden and tell him to start the first part of practice



y/n:alright fine

dad:alright thank you i love you 

y/n: i love you to 

end of text 

the bell rang and i saw jaden with the boys."um jaden could i talk to you for a second"i said."oh yeah sure"jaden said."oooo"said all the boys.i just rolled my eyes at them."hey y/n"they all said at the same time."haha hey"i said giggling i looked over at jaden and he looked jealous.i pulled him on the side."hey so my dads gonna be late to practice and he asked if i can maybe catch a ride with you"i said."mhm sure"jaden said."oh and he also said since you captain and whatever to start the first part of practice"i said."mhm"he said i could still tell he was jealous."aww are you jealous that all the boys like me on your team"i said smirking."what no"jaden said rolling his eyes."you don't have to be jealous i only like you"i said kissing him before anyone could see."haha i like you to"jaden said

you guys got to his car and his truck was really big."woah you have a big truck"you said."haha yup"he said

jaden pov

i was so nervous i never brought a girl in my truck before not even Ava i was so nervous without thinking i reached over and grabbed her hand and held it i heard her giggle."haha"i heard her say."what"i said laughing."nothing"she said smirking."haha i swear your so evil sometimes"i said smirking.we got to the part and it was still kinda early."its still early"i said pulling out my phone to go on it but she puts it down."could i have a kiss"she said leaning over the seat."you could have more than just a kiss"i said pulling her onto my lap.

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