you canceled plans for me...

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it was a Friday night and you were sick in bed you couldn't go to school today.your dad was going out with some of his friends from work and Jaden was going with his team mates somewhere he already told you at the beginning  of the week and you were supposed to hang out with your girls but now you were sick in bed.

"i'm gonna go now honey do you need anything"your dad said."no i'm good have fun tonight i'll be fine"i said faking a smile."okay i'll see when i come home i love you"you dad said leaving the room."i love you to"you said going back under the covers

(time skip)

it was round 9 pm at night you were just scrolling on your phone then all of sudden you heard a knock on your bed room door thinking it was your dad you where surprised he was home early but when they opened the door it wasn't your dad it was jaden?."jaden?"you said confused."hi"he said putting a bag on your desk."what are you doing here?"you asked."when your dad said you were sick i knew i had to come and take care of you so i canceled plans with the boys and they said we can hang next week"jaden said."wait you canceled plans for me.."you said giving him puppy

"oh course i did"jaden started leaning in but you pushed him away and he wined."jaden i'm sick"you said."okay but i'm still cuddling you though"jaden said laying on you."your gonna get sick jaden"you said trying  to push him off."i don't care were still cuddling"he said kissing your neck you just giggled."i brought your favorite snacks"he said grabbing the bag."your the best"you said hugging him and he just smiled 

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