Chapter 12: Sakura's Own Secret Mission Pt2

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Sakura, being someone who had reflexes honed to their limits, was able to block the sudden attack by lifting her kunai to intercept. Just barely being let off with the shattering of her weapon instead.

The bisecting cut hit hard.

The impact of the slash slammed her out a window and into the misty forest outside. Sakura had misinterpreted the strength of Zabuza. She remembered back that his specialty was killing.

As one of the seven Ninja Swordsmen, he was obviously more physically stronger than your average Ninjac. This was since normally swung his Executioner's Blade around in the midst of battle.

This initial underestimation came from the fact that Kakashi's strength fluctuated solely on his 'mood'.

It was hard to tell when his gears were meshing well.

Even though Kakashi was a genius Ninja who became a member of the Anbu at a young age, he didn't seem to live up to his achievements until the latter half of the Fourth Great Ninja War.

She thought her sensei only struggled against Zabuza because of his trickery and scheming...

But she was wrong.

It looked like the genuine article was powerful...

Sakura threw her broken blade to the side and looked around for Zabuza. Her calm broken again.

As ninja, there were certain rules one had to uphold in battle: Stay calm, judge choices, and act wisely.

Sakura had forgotten to do two of them.

Even though mist was obstructing her vision, the ninja samurai and small kunoichi sensed each other. This wasn't by sight or physical senses, but because their bloodlust seeped out too overtly.

Sakura's killing intent was berserk and without any target. It seeped into the environment like a fog.

But Zabuza was different.

He had never killed anyone without thought. It was always a determined action done by his two hands.

Thus, he charged at her like a killer shark.

Overwhelming her with force!

A giant edge fell on Sakura's position, but the motor skills of her future self seeped into her.

Several kunais were thrown into the air, then each used to deflect his both powerful and precise strokes. Each blade broke upon impact, but she managed to get in closer to her intended target.


A punch struck and made an impact, which was followed by an ear-piercing combination of hooks.

"Cha!" Sakura roared, her target smashed into chunks. Blinded by the bloodlust flowing into her.

It was at that moment she blinked and saw the target beneath her. Which was broken to pieces.

She had destroyed a tree.

Zabuza had already circled around her without a sound. Watching her powerful attacks fearlessly.

'Strong...' There was no way he wouldn't think this after seeing what the little girl did to that tree.

But it was over.

His killing intent became silent. So quiet that Sakura couldn't sense his presence whatsoever.

However, a feeling of deja vu struck her heart.

'The neck...!' Sakura thought, but her actions were too late. A beheading slash was already swung.

She tilted her body to the side forcefully, even if that meant damaging herself in the process.

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