Chapter 2: Making Up With A Friend

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Chakra was an usual, yet comprehensive system of power. It could be expressed through various ways.

Bloodline Limits, which were unique to the lineage of the individual. Sometimes even specific to them.

Hand Seals, the tool used by ninjas to weave chakra to mould it into different 'ninja magics'.

Also known as Ninjutsu.

If we were to exclude all those techniques that originated from hand signs, there was one left.


The way of applying Chakra to the body or weapon to fight. This was the main focus of Samurai Clans.

While ninjas had their Genjutsu, samurai had their secret techniques that applied to their bodies.

Sometimes illusionary, sometimes a dense focus and release of energy at a certain part of a blade...

...and sometimes releasing their innate potential.

Just as Ninjutsu could be expressed in different ways through Hand Seals, different Taijutsu specialists expressed their 'style' in unique ways from others. Like the Hyuga Clan's 'Gentle Fist'.

By using their ocular Dōjustu, they were able to see the Chakra Pathways even Sharingan users weren't privy to. Able to use precise strikes to seal up any of the 361 Chakra Nodes located on the body.

This was a style formed with the balance of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. A hand externalising Chakra.

Then there was 'normal' Taijutsu like one man...

...the 'Strong Fist' of Might Gai.

Though the youth of the Hidden Leaf weren't aware of his exploits, this man had a certain fame to him.

Known as the 'Blue Beast'.

A ferocious man who used a bone breaking fighting style that focused solely on speed and strength.

Spies of the Hidden Mist felt fear whenever they delved deep into his personal life, and saw that this man had a strange and unorthodox practice. Not that it didn't make any sense, but it was overboard.

Handstand running laps around the village?

Training until his muscles and ligaments snapped?

And even after all that, this smiling tiger seemed like a fool to any who knew nothing about him.

Worthy of being the son of the man who killed many of their Ninja Swordsman in a direct clash.

A crazy beast indeed...

It was a good thing Naruto and Sasuke also knew nothing about him, or else they see him differently.

Sakura wouldn't let them know any of this.

It was better to have a goofy instructor they'd get to admire through training than a stoic teacher.

If it weren't for the fact that Kakashi would NEVER train them, she would've chose other options.

Gai was the only person who'd train them harshly without questioning what was the need to do so.

And so, she looked for the master-student pair.

To find the titular duo enjoying their horrifying levels of physical training, all Sakura had to do was ask around. These two dolts were conspicuous Taijutsu Specialists, and would be found in no time.

Her mind wandered while thinking about the future.

The three legendary sannin had taught Team 7 different ways of entering their strongest form.

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