𖦹 (three)

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Note : oke cos I'm bored I will add some extra chapters idk why <<
But now let's start with Chapter 3 <<


It where a nice afternoon and majin where just chilling alone on a green field listening to music and just being alone with his thoughts.
He just looked in the sky and started smiling, but he then noticed something on his shoulders, he screamed and looked then behind him noticing that it just where Lord X. So he put down his headphones and where a bit pissed.

"What the hell?! What you thinking of scaring me?!!" Majin shouted at him.

"S-Sorry! - I just wanted to talk-" X explained as an excuse.

" Ugh fine- just never do that ever again-" Majin said a bit calmer.

" I promise-" X smiled.

" I hope so- so what's the problem?" Majin asked him with a smile.

"Well- somebody writes me letters everytime- and sonic knows who it is but he doesn't wanna tell me - he just told me that you also know the person either so I just wanna ask you,  who's that person?" X explained while he started a bit blushing, Majin instead had a tomato face and was shocked.

"  Uhm- I mean doesn't ruining it the moment when you meet the person? I mean-" Majin wanted to say but was interrupted by X.

" Majin please you have to tell me!! - I have the feelings for the person and I wanna know it please- I just need to know it!" he begged and Majin was a kind of confused while blushing.

After some minutes Majin sighed.
"Fine- im just saying that you know the person good and he / She is litterly one of your friend group- I don't say more-" Majin told him in a annoyed voice.
X just nod and Majin looked away.
"another question-" X replied.
Majin looked back to X and listened.
X then just answered:
"can I maybe stay at your house- like you know a best friend day or something?" X smiled.
"Sure why not-" Majin said
"but then we have to go now- I just wanted to stay a couple of hours just to chill you know" Majin explained while standing up like X did.

Both then walked to Majins home, it took a while but on the way they had a bit to talk. But then X asked again.
"what kind of music where you listening when I can ask you?" he asked.
Majin just answered. "it's a kind of alt rock and a mix of a lot of diffrent music genres so I can't really tell." he laughed.
"Oh I understand that a bit well-" X laughed a bit too.

____________________ ( Timeskip :> )

When both arravied at Majins home and went inside, X looked around himself.

"You actaully love alone?" X asked confused.

"Yea? Why?" Majin looked to him.

" well I mean doesn't bother it you or don't you get crazy by it?" X joked.

" Nah- it's comfy actaully, yes boring but that's ok " Majin explained with a smile.

"but to be honest I like the style of it you designed it-" X admitted.

Majin blushed and smiled again a bit.
" thanks I guess-"

After a while of chilling, gaming and having fun together Majin looked to X, he where smiling a long time now what kind of where unusual for him.

" Why so much smiling you smiley?" Majin laughed.

" I don't know, it's just fun hanging out with you" X said with a smile.

" so we are best friends?" Majin then asked.

" Yea-?" X said
" sorry if I said we aren't in just in a bad mood for a while" X explained

" oh that's fine- it can happen to anybody you know" Majin said calm.

" actaully where do you wanna sleep? On the couch, guets room or on the carpet in my room?" Majin joked.

After a while of X thinking like a big rain he choose an option.

" if you don't mind imma sleep on you carpet you know" X the answered.

Majin started blushing and was confused about it.

" you know that with the carpet was a joke-" Majin explained.

" I don't care"  X said.

Then both went to majin room it was just a dark themed room nothing more but X started to feel comfy in it.

" Hey can I ask you something?" Majin asked.

"Sure why not?" X replied.

" why do you want to stay at my house -  sorry I'm just to confused about it you know?" Majin explained.

( reminder if you don't like depressed stuff or angst stuff please skip this part. I'm just saying there is also a TW with self harm and mental health  problems so please skip this part of this chapter)

( you stayed?  Well then it goes on with the story)

"Uhmm well- I'm just having a shitty time now with exe so I just want some space and having a great time with friends to forget about it and once you said to me that I can always come to you"  X explained

Majin just listened while X was talking about his problems, he felt bad about it and looked away.

" so- do I have to worry that you know?"
Majin worrying about X.

"N- No you don't have to its just idk I'm feeling just like shit you know." X trying to calm him

" o-ok it's just I understand you- I mean I have the same problems either its just something else like always being alone and rarely having motivation to do something you know- I used to do it either and still can't fight it like you have defeat this kind of feeling doing it-" Majin sobbed.

X listened and noticed the cuts on Majins arms for the first time and was shocked about it.
"  Hey it will all be right I promise to you " X said while trying to give Majin some hope about it. Majin just hugged then X thight like a teddy.


And here I'm ending chapter 3 cos I'm gay idk I don't wanna write it much longer so yeah hope you guys liked and stay tuned for chapter 4 I guess ^^

Word count : 1028 Words

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