Chapter 1 - That Man...

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"Mom, he's still there. That man. He just sits there, watching me." I said. My mom stopped folding the sheets and came to sit next to me on the couch.

"Well, you don't know, Tori. He could just be daydreaming." said my mom. That could be true, I thought.

"Seriously, mom? So, he comes here everyday, this exact spot, just to daydream?" I asked. My mom sighed, shrugged her shoulders and carried on folding the sheets. I wondered why he stood there. Just staring in through this window.

I stood up and walked to the window, pressing my face against it. The old man moved a little. He took a few steps toward the house, then he stopped.

"Come on, then. It's evening. Your dad'll be coming home soon. Go on, practice your violin." said my mom as she drew the blinds.

"Ok, mum." I said as I ran upstairs.


I remember... Dad always used to listen to my violin. But that was before he got a job at the radio station. Now he always comes back late. He doesn't have time to listen to me. When he comes back from work it's just supper, a bath and then bedtime. I wish he'd got his old job back. Now mum always makes me practice. For dad's sake. I don't always want to, but what the heck. I'm always bored anyway and I can't go out with my friends 'cos my mom can't drive.

"Tori, you practising?" I recognised that voice. It was dad's. I quickly started practising.

"Yes, Dad." I replied. He'd come back from work early, but then again it was my talent showcase at school.

I practiced two songs. 'You will never find me' and 'Let's jump'. Dad never liked the lively songs because he would always come to me whenever he was feeling down. He would sit on my 'spinny' chair, close his eyes and listen. And at the end Dad would clap his hands, and give me a kiss goodnight. Now he doesn't do that. He just makes sure I practice.

After I practiced the songs, I picked up my sheets, my violin and my jacket and ran downstairs.

"There's a good girl, Tori. Your Dad and I want to know what you'll be playing." said my mum.

"I'll be playing... 'You will never find me.'" I replied.

"Is that a lively song?" my mum questioned. I shook my head. In response, my mum nodded.

While I was waiting for my parents to come, I took the car keys, unlocked the car and sat inside. I thought about the large crowds, how everyone could 'boo' me...

I sat nervously waiting in the car, slowly shrinking myself and trying to get rid of the ugly imaginations in my head.

Luckily, my parents came.

"Aw, sweetie. You look nervous." said Mum.

"... Yeah. I am a b-bit." I replied.

"Tori, don't worry. You'll do fine!" said Dad.

Just then I sat there thinking...

About how Shirley Watson was always mean to me,

About how that old man stood there,

About how I'll do in the talent show...


"I knew you'd do good! That was beautiful!" said Mum.

"Thanks, Mum."I said. I smiled, ran inside and upstairs.

... I loved the noise. The cheers. It's just like it is a football stadium. Just without those vuvuzelas...

I sat on the floor in the bathroom, waiting for my bath to run while holding Patsy, my sweet little rubber duck.

As I was in the bath I thought it was a good place to think. So I thought...

The old man could know who I am,

The old man could be daydreaming...

There were many possibilities, but these two were the most likely.

I heard the door 'clunk'. At that time, I got out of the bath. I knew it was my dad, he went to finish his shift at work. I swung on my dressing gown and wore my pink duck slippers. I was halfway down the stairs when the bell rang.

Dad couldn't be back from work now, he would've just set off in the car. Anyway, who comes to someone's house at 7 pm?

My mum opened the door, gasped, and saw...


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