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I arrive at school and walk in to meet my friends. Tryouts for the basketball team are tomorrow so I need to start focusing and paying attention in class. *skip to the start of lunch* I sit down at the table with my friends. "So are you guys coming to the party tonight?" I ask. "Who wouldn't????" Says Mia. "I invited the new girl so I hope you guys don't mind." I say. "Ohhh you mean Y/N?"says Sofia. "Yeah her. I think I might have a crush on her. We were working on a project last night and I kissed her" I said. "YOU WHAT???" shouts Avery. "AVERY, WHY U GOTTA BE SO LOUD?!?!" Mia screams. "guys just chill. It was just a kiss." I say.


I was walking through the halls but suddenly I get pulled to the side by a tall guy. He seems pretty cute ngl. "Hey, I'm Conner" he says. "Oh hey I'm Y/N" I introduce myself. "I think ur pretty cute so uh here's my number." He says while handing me a piece of paper. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" I ask. "Yeah, I am. I'll see you there." He says. "See you!" I say while walking away. As I'm opening my locker, someone walks up to me. "Hey Y/N! How are you?" Ag asks. "I'm good. Wbu?" I say. "Good ig. I have tryouts tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd come and watch me?" She asks. "Sounds good. I'll be there to cheer you on!" I say. "Thanks a lot Y/N."


While I'm walking to my next class, I suddenly get pushed up against a locker. "This is your one and only warning. Stay away from Y/N. She's mine." Says Conner as he pushes me to the ground. I get back up and punch him in the stomach as hard as I can. I get on top of him and start throwing punches at his face until he's bleeding everywhere. "WHATS HAPPENING OVER HERE?!?" screams the principle. "Ag, go to my office NOW!" He shouts. I walk away feeling zero guilt.

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