Chapter 1

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"What if you run out of toothpaste?!"

"I highly doubt that I will be the only person there with toothpaste mom."

She runs to her bathroom to grab another thing of toothpaste and puts it in my bag. I groan loudly and flop onto my bed.

Camp. I've never actually gone to a summer camp before. My mother was freaking out about it, though I couldn't care less. It's not like we were gonna go robbing banks every Friday night and burn puppies at bonfire time.

My family decided they wanted to take a trip to New York for the summer but found out they only had enough money for 3. Apparently my little brother needs "childhood memories" even though he isn't going to remember any of the sightseeing or buildings like I would.

So instead of just leaving me here at the house all summer long (even though I'm almost 18, I'm gonna have to get used to living by myself anyway) they decided they should send me off to a summer camp.

"Oh god! What if they don't have signal and you can't call me?" My mother squeals while trying to push my clothes further down in my bag only to make room for more clothes.

"Mother. Im going to be fine, I promise." I could see the stress and bags under eyes. She was so beautiful and I hated being the cause of this worry.

She relaxed a little and helped me finish packing my bags without a word.

That night I wondered what camp would be like. What kind of food would they have? Beds? Oh god, what if they didn't even have any cute guys? That would be a big letdown.

Tomorrow I have to leave early in the morning for camp. It's a long trip to some place I've never heard of. I'll admit, I'm a little nervous but if all goes wrong I can just hide in my cabin.

It's hard to fall asleep that night.

Okay, this was actually a really boring chapter but I PROMISE IT WILL GET BETTER. This story will actually include Harry Styles and possibly the other One Direction boys, I haven't decided yet. But anyway, if you read this, thank you very very much. I'll make this as interesting as possible.


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