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I'm so tired.

My energy got drained because it took me an hour to get Venti off the stage pole. He was so stubborn. In fact, he was about to do another dance.

He may have the talent for it, but he's super drunk. I'm also concerned about the creeps eyeing him.

I was about to land my fist on their faces when they wanted to fight me off for ruining their show. But the bartender took care of it. And now, we're outside, waiting for a cab.

"Hey. Can we sit on that bench for a sec?"

I did what he told me to and put him down on a bench. I noticed that he looked sick and was about to puke.

"Do you want to head back to the tavern and go to the restroom?"

"No. I don't want to throw up. water. I need water," he replied.

I immediately dashed to the nearest convenience store and bought water for him. But in just two minutes, I was even more drained when he had already picked a fight with someone. I'm so close to leaving him behind. But I'm not that kind of person.

"Bastard! How dare you make fun of my hat?" says the guy.

I don't know what Venti said about his hat, but whatever it is, I'm on his side. What kind of sicko is wearing a huge, shaped-like umbrella hat in a bar? It doesn't even match the outfit he was wearing.

"Sir, I may be drunk, but that hat is not slaying," Venti replied. What do you mean by 'maybe'? You are drunk. Yet he has a point. Did he buy the wrong hat?

Now that I've thought about it, Why does this guy look familiar?

"You fucker!" He grabbed Venti's collar, then was about to punch him in the face. But luckily, my body quickly reacted and caught his wrist before he could land his fist on my friend's face.

"What the hell?" he yelled. But when he turned his head around and faced me, a pair of indigo eyes met mine.


My eyes widened. My heart paced. My voice became silent. Tch. Already over, you say? Liar. After four years, my heart still beats for you, Scara.

I was snapped back to reality when Scara held my hand and coldly glared at me. "Get your fucking hand away from me before I break it."

I did what he told me to and slowly released his hand. He shoved me away and fixed himself.

"How have you been?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Are you dumb? Have you forgotten what you just did?"

My chest tightened. It seems that he's still mad at me. I don't blame him. What I did was unforgivable.

He grabbed my collar and pulled me closer to him. "Don't act like we're still fucking friends because our friendship died years ago," he said.

I bit my lip and whispered underneath my breath, "I'm sorry."

He glared at me. "Are you drunk? I don't accept an apology from trash," he replied, pushing me away.

"Hey! You two." Our attention was diverted to Venti. Damn. He looked worse.

"Are we on a cruise? I'm so dizzy. I really want to throw up," he said.

I immediately helped him and handed him the water bottle. "Here. Water. Drink it." He drank it and laid his head on my shoulder.

Scara frustratedly clicked his tongue, which made me look at him. "I'll let you off this time. But if your friend mocks me again, he's fucking going down along with you," he threatened, then left.

Scara wasn't like that before. He used to be really sweet and kind. That's why I fell for him. However, my love for him was only one-sided because he only saw me as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. And I'm okay with that.

But our friendship eventually became a memory. He started to change after what happened between us.

• Flashback •

"Kazuha. I love you."

I froze. What? Is she mad? "Donna, what do you mean by that?"

She blushed and played with her thumbs. "I want us to be in a relationship. So, please go out with me."

I bitterly laughed. Is she playing with me? If it is, then it's not funny. "Are you serious right now? You're already in a relationship with Scara."

She suddenly held my hand, which was uncomfortable. "I never loved him, Kazuha. I love you. I only have eyes for you."

I pushed her hand away because I felt disgusted. "Do you understand what you're saying? If that is even true, it means that you're only toying with his feelings."

She scoffed. "I only agreed to be with him so that I could be close to you."

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth, trying to hold back my anger. "Don't you know how Scara gave his everything for you? He deeply loves you, and you're only playing with his feelings. Do you honestly expect me to love you back after hurting my friend?"

"But we could start over. We'll have our own happy ending." She really is crazy.

"I'm sorry. I don't see you that way."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now