Chapter 39

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Armin POV

Lio spent many hours with Erwin, alone in the man's room until Armin sent one of the guards to go get the child in his name. Anything but showing up there himself.

He avoided thinking about the man by staying in the library while Mikasa and Zeke handled the palace' duties in Eren's absence. Armin wondered when his best friend would return, even more so since he hadn't told anyone where exactly he was headed.

The only thing proving that he was still alive and well was the short letter he had sent back to them – to Zeke specifically. Somehow the words had sounded angry and confused, asking about orders Armin hadn't known had been given to anyone and he gripped the edge of the book in his hands harder as he wondered what else Zeke had tried to hide from them.

Eren's older brother. 

Armin had never trusted him completely, neither back then in the woods when he had first offered them his help in reclaiming the throne for Eren nor now when he tried his best to be there for all the family he had left.

He raised his eyes to face the night outside of the palace and crossed his arms in front of his chest, holding his book tightly to his chest as if he feared for the words to disappear should he not force them to stay by his side.

Lio was with Erwin, Mikasa busy with Zeke and their plans regarding the third party and without either of them Armin had no choice but to go back to his head, stormy and confusing as it was nowadays.

With a sigh he massaged his right temples with one hand and tried to keep his headache at bay by relaxing his shoulders.

"Your Highness?"

Armin whirled around, eyes widened as he took in the sudden appearance of a man in the comforting darkness of the library. When he noticed the fear on Armin's face, he quickly raised his arms in defense.

"I apologize.", he said with a velvety voice, deep and vibrating in Armin's bones. "The guards informed you of your whereabouts. It wasn't my intention to scare you."

"Who are you?"

"I am Sir Ledior, Your Highness. The teacher you were asking about for your son's education."

Those few words brought Armin back into the real world, far away from his scattered thoughts and he smiled shyly, not daring to go over to the man just yet. He nodded his thanks and replied: "Of course, I remember. Excuse me, I hadn't expected anyone this late at night."

"My carriage got stuck on the way.", the teacher explained and smiled at Armin. "Otherwise I'd have arrived many hours ago."

"I am afraid I can't introduce you to Lio yet. He is-" Armin hesitated. Telling him about Erwin brought the question of their relation back to his present mind and that was an issue he just wasn't ready to deal with yet. "He is asleep. But I can show you your room, if you won't mind."

Sir Ledior bowed to Armin. "I don't want to burden Your Highness."

"It is no burden, I assure you.", Armin smiled and gestured the man to follow him. "And there's no need for any titles. It is reserved for the members of the royal family and only them."

"I was under the impression that you were, My Lord."

"His Highness is my brother in anything but blood.", Armin responded lightly.

Sir Ledior walked behind him but Armin caught sight of the surprise on the man's face while taking in his looks discreetly. He had broad shoulders and had no trouble walking Armin's pace with his long legs. When he opened the door for him, muscular arms showed beneath the thin material of his shirt and Armin quickly turned his gaze away.

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