Chapter 1: Rumour

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Yuna read page 1 of a diary entry that she found at the bus stop..

"Dear diary,

It's been 16 years since my parents adopted me from Japan. I'm currently very happy in Canada and I started attending this new school called Blueside High School.

The school has a lot of great people but I haven't really gotten to know them. I have always been the odd one out ever since I started attending school."

Yuna was really excited, but a vision occurred which knocked her out and there was a ghost holding a knife, while Yuna was held hostage.

???: I died because of [SPOILER] and [SPOILER]. It's only fair if I get my revenge right?

The vision ended and the angry bus driver's voice woke Yuna up when the bus arrived at Blueside High School.

Angry Bus Driver: Alright brats, we've arrived at our location.

Yuna and her best friend Akito were relieved.

Akito: Ugh, finally. Let's just get this day over with.

Another student: Yay! School! I love school!

Yuna: I wanna go to sleep..

Akito was about to say something to Yuna, until their bus driver interrupted.

Angry Bus Driver: Oi, hurry up and get out of the bus!

Yuna: Okay, okay. Sheesh.

Yuna and Akito exited the bus with the other students and Yuna found another note outside the bus, while Akito walked into the school with the other students. It was page 2 of a diary entry..

"Dear diary,

I haven't written anything for a while but it's been 2 months since I started attending Blueside Highschool. Lots of people started noticing me, but they haven't talked to me, not have I talked to them.

I told my parents about this and they said not to worry about it. They suggested I should talk to some people, so I did the next day. It went horrible and I'll continue writing about this tomorrow."

Yuna was left on a cliffhanger, until she found page 3 of the diary in the front office and she read it..

"Dear diary,

It's now the next day and I'm still pretty embarrassed of what happened. I did what my parents suggested for me to do and I ended up fainting when I walked up to the kids.

When I got woken up by the teachers, everyone was staring at me. I was so embarrassed, but I didn't really know what was going on until the teachers told me. They called my mom and she came to pick me up.

Once I got home, my mom started talking to me about social anxiety. She always thought I had it because I never really talked to kids. I only had one friend in elementary school, but we went to different high schools and I've never talked to her since."

Yuna stopped reading and continued along the corridors. She accidentally went into the wrong classroom, but she found another diary page and it was page 7 of the same person's diary..

"Dear diary,

Alright, 2 months have passed after what happened to mom, still hoping she is watching over me from heaven.

School has become more and more awkward. There is this girl in my class named Abigail, she doesn't seem to like me very much. In fact, I'm pretty sure she wants me gone. I didn't do anything to her other than being nice. She knows how much my mom meant to me; couldn't she have a little sympathy for my lost?

Rumour [Story] (Players Replaced By Akito And Yuna)Where stories live. Discover now