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Night's p.o.v.
I was waiting outside of sugarcube corner with cotten and tunes."where are they",I asked."they're probably late",tunes responded.Finally sky,violet,and rose came walking towards us."sorry were late",sky said."no prob,now come on",cotten said.We all started walking towards the school.We all f inally made it to the school and we all went and sat at our seats."okay class,we have a new student today",ms.cheerile said.The whole class started mumbling on who the student is."I would like all of you to meet our new student,moon fight",ms.cheerile said.Then a fIlly came in the room.She had black coat,short white spikey man and tail with red at the tips,two different socks that were different colors."hi",she said."moon,why don't you tell something about yourself",cheerile said."well,I don't know what to say",moon said."can you tell us about your family",cheerile said."um,ok,I have a little sister,her names star shadow",moon aaid."what about uour parents",cheerlie asked."that's something I can't say,it's complicated",moon said with sad face."ok,moon,you may sit at your seat now",cheerile said.Moon walked quietly at her seat that was next to me.After that we just did our work and didn't talk.
Sky's p.o.v.
It was finally time for recess and me and my freinds were playing freeze tag.While we were playing moon fight walked to us and asked",can I play with you guys"."sure",cotten said.We all began playing and it was really fun.We all got tired of playing and went to go lay on the ground."moon,can we ask you something",night said."sure",she said."why didn't you say anything about your parents",tunes asked."it's complicated",moon said."you can tell us,were your freinds",rose said."ok,but promise not to freak out",moon said."cross my heart,hope to fly,stick a cupcake in my eye",we all said."ok,my mom is princess luna",moon said slowly and queitly."that's nothing to freak out about,my mom is princess twilight",I said."you don't understand,it's hard to live with my mom and to never see my dad",she said sadly."who's your dad",night asked."huh,king sombra",moon said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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