About Myself........

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      This my first story to get publish after a lot of brainstorming I have finally come up with a story for you guys.Please free to give any feedbacks , your feedbacks will help me improve my story.Thank you.


There was a land where everything was going on as usual. There was a rich merchant in the town, he had a daughter named Maria.

Maria was a sweet and shy girl. But, she was born when a Lunar Eclipse took place which was considered bad luck at that time.

Growing up,no one wanted anything to do with her and that's why she became really shy. Maria also had an older brother whose name was Will. Will and Maria loved each other deeply and no one could break their bond.

It so happened one night, that Maria was not able to sleep and so went for a walk in the garden. Sounds of Crickets and other insects could be heard.

After some time,even the sounds of Crickets and other insects could not be heard. There was absolute silence.

All of a Sudden bushes started to shake vigorously.
Suddenly, a girl jumped out of the bush. Maria screamed at the top of her lungs."AAAAAAAAHH".

The girl from the bush said "Girl, take a chill pill".
Maria opened her eyes and saw that it was her BFF Anna.

Maria said "Geez Anna, you scared the hell out of me!!". Anna smiled and said "That's what I wanted"
Maria asked" Care to come with me for a walk?".


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