Chapter Three: Oh, Stacy! You...

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SOMETIMES I FORGET how stupid people can be. That not everyone knows how to read others, how to tell if you're making someone very uncomfortable, so when I told the guy sitting opposite of me that his arm on Sarah's shoulder is making the girl jump out of her skin, I only expected him to take it off and talk to her privately about it.

But the dumbass is quick to attack me for pointing it out.

We were in the middle of discussing what topic for The Great Gatsby we are going to present and I just pointed out the small detail, which caused a rift in the guys whole universe.

"Gus, sit back down and stop taking it personally." Paige rolls her eyes at the boy, making him even more fussy.

"You're on that weirdos side?!" His hand motions to me and I keep holding myself back from throwing the pen I'm holding, at his face.

If I just aim correctly it shouldn't be hard to hit him in the eye and make him blind for eternity, but of course, my aiming skills are very poorly trained and I have to result to knowledge when talking to idiots like him.

"I'm not on anyone's side. But we all can see that Sarah here is not a fan of someone touching her, are you Sarah?" Paige assures the girl that telling the truth is good with the polite smile hiding the true annoyance about the whole situation.

The nervous girl nods slowly, her eyes stuck watching her own hands fidget with the necklace around her neck.

"Bullshit!" Gus calls and throws himself back in the chair next to Sarah, which makes her shift farther away from him, "She's just agreeing because—Because this bitch is saying that."

The boy turns to look at her, "You think he's hotter than me or something?"

Then he glares at me when Sarah makes no move to answer him.

She does think that. I catch the subtle nod coming from her and don't even try to hide the smirk when it bubbles on my mouth.

"Look what you did! I can't even show my interest because of assholes like you!" He complains, his hands in the air — exaggerating the fact more as the seconds come.

"You're doing it wrong." I state and pick up my notebook and stuff it in my bag before getting up and placing my hand on Paige's shoulder, "I'm going. See you tomorrow."

"Wait, I'll walk with you." The girl again rolls her eyes at Gus and follows me out the door without her stuff.

She stops when the doors are closed and I turn around only to be hit by the intensity of her eyes.

"It would be better if you refrained from commenting on people's actions. They are grown enough to take care of themselves, Oliver." Her voice is confident when saying that, but when she notices my expression it falters and I can't blame her.

I must be looking livid.

"We have a presentation to finish. We need to acquire information! We didn't even decide on a theme." She continues explaining, the truth in her voice sounds raw, but I still stare at her, somewhat wishing she knew what I'm thinking of, "It's not your place to get involved, Oliver. I hope you know that."

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