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!TW explosion, death, dramatic TW!

Battle of New York, May 4th 2010

Peters pov

Uncle Ben opened the closet door and handed my birthday present to my dad and walked over to aunty may, "here you go buddy. Happy 12th birthday" Dad says, setting the gift down in front of me, I squirm a bit excited to open my present, my mom puts her hand on my shoulder "be patient bugger, we still have to take the picture" she says commenting on restlessness. "ok mama." I say calming my excited nerves and facing towards the old beaten up camera, "alright everyone good where they're at?" dad asks standing behind the camera checking our positions in the viewfinder "yes we are all good where we are at. Now press that button and hurry your butt over here richard." mom ridicules motioning with her hands to hurry this up "mama have patients." I say putting my hand on her knee mimicking her, "yeah be patient mary." Dad says teasing his spouse before pushing some buttons on the old camera.

The flash slowly started to crawl up meaning that the timer had started dad sprinted over to the couch standing next to his wife "alright everyone! Say cheese!" aunty may says, wrapping her arm around mary. As if in slow motion the flash pops open and a shutter sound emits from the camera and in a blink the wall to my left explodes making us all get flung to the left, a pile of rubble makes a hollow cavity around me encasing me in the building a small gap allows me to see outside, "peter!? Peter!?" a voice calls out " I'm over here mama! Please help me, I'm scared!" I shout in response recognizing the voice."Don't cry sugar, I'm here. Ok?" she says, finding me putting her hand through the hole, just as i'm about to reach out and grasp her comfort she is yanked back by some invisible force, "mom! No please!" I scream, terror and distress tie my heart in knots making it feel as if it stopped beating, I peer through the hole and watch in terror as an alien-like creature stabs my mom, She falls to the ground, gasping for air.

The creature walks in my direction looking around the decimated room, i place my hand over my mouth trying to not draw its attention "hello?!" a man yells out grabbing the beast's attention, He walks through the broken doorframe "hello? Anyone here?" he asks, noticing the alien, "hey stark we got another one of these things in here. I don't know if there are any survivors." he says putting his hand to his ear. The man dressed like an american flag rolls his shoulders before squaring up preparing for a fight, "alright you want to fight, lets fight." he says, the thing only snarls in response before launching at the weirdly dressed person, tears flow down my face as i stare at the dying face of my mother.

"Is that all you got?" The man teases, wiping the blood from his split lip, the creature pulls out a cylinder object and he yanks the top off it, it starts pulsating and he throws it at the man sprinting out of the room. The man crouches down using his shield thing to launch it away from him, it lands next to my pile of ruble and explodes, all the damage and chemicals go to me the walls of the rubble provide no coverage, i scream out in anguish the chemicals from the bomb burn holes in my torn clothes and make blotchy red marks on my hands and forearms. The man uncovers himself from his shield running over to my aid. I curl myself up into a ball, the grief and pain being too much, "shit! Nat, we have a kid here. I think this was his family." the man says, a muffled voice responds "what do you want me to do?", "I don't know?! you're a woman isn't this like your job!" he responds pacing the floor, all at once multiple voices interject, he winces from the loud voices berating him, "ok. Ok. i'm sorry." he says before turning away from me, "can you please just come here." he whispers then he leaves the way he came.

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