chapter 4 • she would always be another mean girl who picked on him for fun

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mia leaned against the wall, making sure she had all of her homework.

"can i copy off of you?" vance asked, taking the papers from her.

"if you give me five dollars." mia snatched her paper back.

"i don't have five dollars!"

"okay, me neither. why do you think i'm asking you?"

"i don't know!"

cherry perked up, crossing her arms.

"i need five dollars." cherry interrupted, sadly thinking of her empty pack of gum.

mia pulled a small gum pack out of her pocket, tossing it at her friend.

"i love you so much." cherry grinned, tightly squeezing her.

"that pack of gum is making you really emotional." vance judged.

"it feels like my life finally has purpose." cherry exaggerated, ripping apart the pack of gum.

"you have gum? please give me a piece, bruh." some random stopped walking.

they stared at the pack in her hand like a starving animal.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now