Chapter 1/Friendship Scheme Complete! (With Becky's help)

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Anya was busy talking with George when Becky ran up screaming,

"Anya! Anya!" Anya backed away as Becky was running down the hallway,

""What!!!" Anya was yelling waving her hands around. Becky almost bumped into her and gripped her shoulders,

"Anya!" She said,

"What! Becky what?" Anya asked. 

"I heard Damian, Emile, and Ewen talking about you! I think he's about to do some big romantic gesture!" Becky shouted throwing her arms in the air.

"Wait. Sy-On boy and his friends are talking about me!" Anya asked, getting excited. Becky grabbed her hands,

"Yes. Now lets go." She said then started pulling Anya down the hallway. Becky pulled Anya down to the library 2 Courtyard where Damian was waiting, Emile and Ewen standing behind him. As well as everyone in their class. Damian noticed Anya and smiled,

"Hey Anya." He said then did a couple backflips, before turning to face Anya.

"Since 1st Grade, I've been adored." Damian sang. He was good, and his voice really surprised Anya. 

"Big man on campus, but oh so bored." Damian got on his knees in front of Anya,

"Desmond's second son, It's so routine. I prayed for someone to intervene." Damian stood up and backpedaled back over to Emile and Ewen. 

"Then something! New happened." All of them sang while doing a small group dance. 

"And turned my life around entirely." Emile and Ewen picked up Damian and spun him around. 

"And that's cause, you happened." Damian sang walking up to her. "Look what happened to me." Damian held his arms out and Anya noticed he had nabbed her decorative horn hair clips. 

"Hey." She said feeling for her clips that weren't there, then she smiled. 

"So, Anya. Feelings have been unclear since I was 6. But now I'm positive." Damian said and he was very serious. "I really like you Anya. And not just as a friend. Will you be my girlfriend?" Becky was smiling very big and Anya was silent. 

"This could work for Papa's mission." She was thinking to herself, 

"Not just that. I really like Damian." The other half was saying to herself. "He's gotten to be very sweet. He's not an immature 6 year-old anymore."

"If you date Damian you'd be able to get in contact with Master of the Evil Organization." The helpful half was saying. 

"But we know how that went last time." Her heart was saying. "I'm gonna say yes."

"Yes." Anya said nodding. 

"Wait? You said yes?" Damian asked. Anya nodded again,

"Yes." She repeated. 

"Yes!" Damian shouted. He took off the clips and gave them to Anya,

"Now that I'm your girlfriend. Can I come to your house?" Anya asked death gripping her clips. Emile and Ewen burst out laughing,

"You still haven't given up." Emile said laughing. 

"No I haven't." Anya said then linked arms with Becky and walked away. The girls giggled the whole way back to their next class. 

"It worked!" Becky yelled. "I've been trying since we were six!"  

"Friendship Scheme Complete." Anya said. "And it's all thanks to you Becky Blackbell, my genius best friend." 

"I am great aren't I?" Becky said smiling. 

"Since you're so great and I now have a boyfriend. We'll go out for a celebration dinner with my family." Anya said then froze. She unlinked arms with Becky and put a hand on her head.

"Oh no not my family. My dad would go insane." Anya said, dramatically lowering her voice. She put a hand on her stomach and started waving her other hand around.  

"Oh you'll be fine." Becky said pulling out her phone. "Mr. Forger, It's Becky." 

"Becky!" Anya shouted. 

"Yeah, I was thinking I could come over for dinner tonight. I'd like to be there when Anya tells you something very important." Becky said with a smile then after standing for a couple seconds, her face changed, "Oh. Well maybe another time." Becky then put her phone away. 

"There's an Imperial Scholar Mixer tonight." Becky said. 

"Really?" Anya asked. "Oh boy. But we'll worry later." 

"Yeah." Becky said. "Or now. Let's go." Becky grabbed Anya's arm and dragged her away. 

Anya stepped off the bus and looked at the Apartment Complex she lived in. 

"Should I or should I not tell Papa and Mama that I'm now dating Damian Desmond?" Anya asked herself. "I shouldn't. Unless someone mentions Damian." Anya walked inside then walked up the stairs her to family's apartment. When she heard screaming coming from the apartment Anya knew that either her Uncle Yuri was visiting or Yor was drunk. Or both. 

"I'm scared to go in now." Anya said right before she went inside. Yuri, Loid, and Yor were sitting in the main room,

"Hey Anya." Loid said, "Welcome back."

"Hey Papa, hey mama. Hi Yuri." Anya said and went to try and sit next to Yor but Yuri quickly moved so Anya couldn't sit. Anya made a face then sat down by Loid.

"How was school?" Loid asked. 

"Why you ask what do you know?" Anya asked. 

"Nothing. Just asking about your day." Loid said. "Also, we have our first Imperial Scholar Mixer tonight." Anya tuned into reading everyone's thoughts,

**"Wait, I have to monitor that Party for work tonight."** Yuri thought.

**"Ooh. Parties. Fun."** Yor was thinking. **"We all know how well that went last time. We got chased by Loids patients and he proposed as a grenade exploded."** 

**"I must see Donovan tonight. I need to know his plans."** Loid thought.

"Yes I'm excited. Should I wear my uniform....." Anya said then was about to finish her thought when Loid said,

"Yes!" He said it with so much fire that Anya stopped talking completely. 

"Ok. I'm gonna go call Damian and ask him for advice." Anya said then stood up,

"Wait why are you talking to Damian. What about Becky or your mother?" Loid asked also standing up. 

"Because I wanna talk to Damian." Anya said then quickly left the room. Anya walked into her room and saw Bond laying on her bed. 

"Hey Bond." She said and went to lay with him. 

"What am I gonna do when I see Mr. Desmond again tonight? It didn't go so well last time." Anya said to Bond. "But Papa will find out on his own that Donovan isn't planning destruction. Other people are. The State Security Service." Anya laid her head on Bond and started petting him. 


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